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This section includes articles related to Sitecore Administration.

Sitecore supports alternate URLs through a feature known as aliases

This section describes configuration of Microsoft Internet Explorer and other browsers to best work with Sitecore.

Sitecore provides caching options which allow the rendered data to be retrieved from cache

Learn how to configure multiple sites in Sitecore


This section lists tasks and utilities to help in the maintenance of the Sitecore databases.

This article describes how to disable automatic thumbnail generation for files uploaded into the Media Library.

This article describes special considerations to take when installing Sitecore modules and packages on a production site

Learn about Sitecore's Links Database which is useful for maintaining bidirectional relationships between items in the content management repository

This article describes the implementation of Lucene.Net search engine in the Sitecore CMS.

This article describes how to migrate a site from Sitecore V4 to Sitecore V5 solution

Learn how to use the Sitecore task scheduling facility.

This article provides comprehensive references and coverage of general .NET and Sitecore-specific performance considerations.

Domains define security entities and provide security services such as authentication and access rights validation

This document describes aspects of the various types of Sitecore publishing operations through Sitecore 5.2

Sitecore 5.3 introduced a number of changes associated with Proxy Items.