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Valid for Sitecore 6.4.1 Update-6 and later

Please read the terms and conditions carefully before downloading.
Note: to use the Adaptive Print Studio Module, you must have the Sitecore license including APS.

Adaptive Print Studio has released the following updates:

1) Adaptive Print Studio 1.2.0 rev. 130218 (Update-1)
Instructions for downloading the update for Adaptive Print Studio 1.2.0 rev. 130218 version. Before updating to this version you need to have the APS 1.2.0 rev. 130116 version installed.

2) Adaptive Print Studio 1.2.0. rev. 130116.
Instructions for downloading the Adaptive Print Studio 1.2.0 rev. 130116 version.
Please consult the Release History for more information about the contents of each update.