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Valid for Sitecore 6.x
Release Notes

The latest release documentation of the CRM Security Provider module.

1.  Release History

July 1, 2010

The Dynamics CRM Security Provider v1.1 is released.

For more information about the updated version of the CRM Security Provider, please see the Dynamics CRM Campaign Integration page.

November 23, 2009

The CRM Security Provider module v1.0.0 rev. 091110 is released. Valid for Sitecore CMS 6.X. Tested with Sitecore CMS 6.2.0 rev.091012 and Sitecore CMS 6.1.0 rev.090821.

Change log.

New features:

  1. The security provider no longer represents inactive contact entities in CRM as Sitecore users.
  2. Deleting a CRM role from Sitecore makes the appropriate marketing list inactive in the CRM, rather than deleting it.
  3. Deleting a CRM user from Sitecore makes the appropriate contact inactive in the CRM,  rather than deleting it.

October 30, 2009

The CRM Security Provider module v1.0.0 rev. 091013 is released. Valid for Sitecore CMS 6.X. Tested with Sitecore CMS 6.2.0 rev.091012 and Sitecore CMS 6.1.0 rev.090821.

Change log.

New features:

  1. The security provider now retrieves CRM profile properties types from the CRM system (rather than requiring them to be specified manually in the web.config).
  2. The security provider now provides a user cache to increase performance and reduce number of requests to CRM system.
  3. The security provider’s FindUsersByName and FindUsersByEmail methods now support traditional paging provided by the CRM Web Service to increase performance.
  4. The security provider now represents inactive contact entities in CRM as disabled users in Sitecore.

Issues fixed:

  1. In some circumstances, the security provider would fail to locate users if some CRM users had inactive profiles.
  2. Sitecore would post an error if the CRM connection details provided were invalid.
  3. The security provider could take longer than necessary when retrieving large numbers of users associated with a specific role.
  4. The security provider could take longer than necessary when associating or removing associations between users and roles.
  5. The security provider could take longer than necessary when updating user information.
  6. The security provider did not check whether a role contained any users before deleting it.
  7. The security provider could take longer than necessary when retrieving all users.
  8. The CRM security provider may not have been thread-safe. 

July 03, 2009

The CRM Security Provider module v1.0.0 rev. 090626 for Sitecore CMS 6.0.1 rev. 090317 and later is released.


Change log.

Issues fixed:

  1. Fixed: Removing user from role was slow if role had more than 7000 members.


April 16, 2009

CRM Security Provider module v1.0.0 rev. 090409 for Sitecore CMS 6.0.1 rev. 090317 is released.

2.  Known issues

The following known issues have been discovered:

  1. User Password cannot be stored in non-English Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2011 version
    Applies to:
    CRM Security Provider module 1.1.0.
    Publishing date:
    June 27, 2012.
    Reference number: 366966
    When connecting to an organization in CRM Online 2011 that uses a non-English base language and configuring CRM provider to store user passwords, the following exception can be raised:
    ERROR The attribute new_sitecorepassword' of String type couldn't be created.
    Exception: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException
    Message: Server was unable to process request.
    Source: System.Web.Services
       at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
       at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
       at CRMSecurityProvider.crm4.metadataservice.MetadataService.Execute(MetadataServiceRequest Request)
       at CRMSecurityProvider.Service.CrmServiceV4Wrapper.CreateContactAttribute(String attributeName, SupportedTypes attributeType, Boolean throwIfExists)
    Solution: Create a new custom field for CRM contacts which will be used for storing passwords. Example of the field definition can be found in the CRMPasswordField.png image. 
    For more information about password storage feature, see Dynamics CRM Security Provider Module Guide.
  2. When installed with Sitecore v6.1 rev. 090821, the User Manager may experience decreasing performance when navigating to the next page in large sets of users.
    Workaroung: Make sure ManualPaging attribute has "true" value in the users grid (ca:Grid element) in the UserManager.html file in the /sitecore/shell/Applications/Security/UserManager folder.
  3. If the CRM security provider is not configured to store passwords for represented users, Sitecore will throw an exception when a security administrator attempts to reset the password for a CRM user.
  4. If the connection to the CRM service is slow, the User Manager may display a Java Script error when a user is selected immediately after another user was edited. 
  5. If the CRM security provider is configured to run in read-only mode, the Role Manager will appear to delete roles from the CRM domain in response to the delete command without displaying a confirmation prompt.  Sitecore will not delete the role, however; refreshing will show that the role still exists.
  6. The User Manager may take a longer time to load data for non-Administrator users when the CRM domain contains large numbers of users.  As it loads data, the User Manager will appear unresponsive.