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This section includes a number of resources that you can download. To be able to download software from SDN, please apply to your regional office:

Sitecore® Experience PlatformTM 8.0 or later 

Downloads are available on our new Developer Portal -

Documentation is available on our new documentation website -

A lot of the documentation on the SDN is still valid for Sitecore 8.0 or later.

Own the Experience

The latest release of Sitecore CMS 7 and supported modules.

The latest release of Sitecore CMS 6 and supported modules.

Sitecore Intranet Platform 4.0 product downloads.

Sitecore Intranet Portal 3 and supported modules.

Sitecore Foundry 4 product downloads.

Sitecore Foundry 3.0 product downloads.

The SharePoint Integration Framework product downloads.

A collection of free Sitecore modules

Sitecore related documentation in standard, non-HTML formats.

A selection of shared source examples.

A selection of useful Sitecore related tools.

This section shows the available modules for the released Sitecore versions


Download a Sitecore CMS client translation file to run the Sitecore client in a different language.

Older Products

The latest release of Sitecore 5.3 and supported modules.

The latest release of Sitecore 5.2 and supported modules.

The latest release of Sitecore 5.1.1 and supported modules.

Sitecore Intranet Portal and supported modules.

Sitecore Foundry 2.1 product downloads.