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This section provides articles which describe how to code XSL Renderings for use in Sitecore.

Sitecore 5.3 introduces some nifty image handling features available via the <sc:image> element.

This article shows how each field type is stored in the database and information about how each data type value can be accessed.

This article provides sample code that shows how to render a breadcrumb in XSL.

This article is describes how to check if one string ends with another string.

This article describes how to create libraries of XSL functions.

This article describes how to determine the depth of a node.

This article describes how to display the raw XML of an item as an HTML comment.

This article describes how to determine which main site section the current item is in.

This article describes how to inherit branding images based on the current web site section.

This article describes how to render metadata using XSL.

This article describes how to search for items based on a date field.

You can easily migrate your working XSLT renderings from Sitecore V4 to Sitecore V5.

This article describes how to use extensions which allow virtually unlimited expansion of the existing capabilities of XSL's core features.

It is possible to develop a Sitecore based XHTML-compliant site