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Valid for Sitecore 6.0.0, 5.3.2
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Attribute: [@fileldname]

Description: Item field name.

Query Example:
query:/sitecore/content/Home/*[@Title = 'Welcome to Sitecore']

Returns Items which have the value of the field 'Title' set to 'Welcome to Sitecore'. The search is performed among the children of the Home Item.


Note : Use the database field values when using fields in your query expressions. Read more about how field values are stored in the database.

query:/sitecore/content/Home/Products/Hammer[@Available = '1']

Returns all Hammer named Items which have the value of the checkbox field 'Available' set to '1'.


Attribute: [@@name]

Description: Item name. Case sensitive.

Query Example:
query:/sitecore/content/Home/Products/*[@@name = 'Hammer']

The search is performed among the children of the Products Item.


Attribute: [@@key]

Description: Item name lowercased. For example: [@@key = 'item'] will match iTEm and Item. Note: the key must be in lowercase.

Query Example:
query:/sitecore/content/Home/Products/*[@@key = 'hammer']

The search is performed among the children of the Products Item.


Attribute: [@@templateid]

Description: Item Template ID.

Query Example:

query:/sitecore/content/Home//*[@@templateid = '{F348C2A0-73B8-4AF4-BD9E-2C5901908369}']

Returns all descendants of the Home Item based on the template with the mentioned ID.


Attribute: [@@templatename]

Description: Item Template name. The value is case sensitive.

Query Example:

query:/sitecore/content/Home//*[@@templatename = 'Shape']

Returns all descendants of the Home Item based on the Shape template.


Attribute: [@@templatekey]

Description: The template name in lowercase.

Query Example:

query:/sitecore/content/Home//*[@@templatekey = 'product']

Returns all descendants of the Home Item based on the Product template.


Attribute: [@@id]

Description: Item ID.

Query Example:

query://*[@@id = '{787EE6C5-0885-495D-855E-1D129C643E55}']

Searches through the entire content tree and returns an Item with the mentioned ID.


Other Examples:

Query expressions may be quite complex:

query:/sitecore/content/Home//*[@@id='{D394CCA7-C88B-418C-8B2B-AA97AA52EE14}' or @@key = 'stylish bag' or @@name = 'Hammer']



query:/sitecore/content/Home//*[@Text='Bargain Price' and @Available='1']


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