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Valid for Sitecore 6.x
Sitecore OMS

Select the link below to download the latest release of the Sitecore Online Marketing Suite.

Please read the terms and conditions carefully before downloading.

Refer to the Products » Online Marketing Suite section for related documentation.

Note: OMS requires additional licenses to function. Please insure you have an OMS enabled license before downloading and installing OMS. Please contact your local Sitecore office for further assistance.

Download OMS for Sitecore CMS 6.4
Choose the following links to download OMS 1.1.1 rev. 120113 for Sitecore CMS 6.4.1 rev. 120113:

Download OMS for Sitecore CMS 6.3
OMS 1.1.1 rev. 110112 for Sitecore CMS 6.3.1 rev. 110112:

Download OMS for Sitecore CMS 6.2
OMS 1.1.1 rev. 101105 for Sitecore CMS 6.2.0 rev. 101105:

Download OMS for Sitecore CMS 6.1
OMS 1.0.1 rev. 090821 for Sitecore CMS 6.1.0 rev. 090821:

In case you require a previous version of Sitecore OMS for CMS 6.1, please contact Sitecore Support to get a download link.