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Change items during the publishing process
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Author: Alexander Tsvirchkov
Posted: 7/9/2007 3:34:32 PM

Question: is it possible to catch the publish item event so that I can to make some modifications in web item on the fly during the publishing process?
Version: 5.3.1
Answer: If you want to make some changes for published item in web database, you should hook up the AddedVersion event of Sitecore.Publishing.PublishLog. You can override appropriate methods:
RemovedItem - should work from version 5.3.1 rev. 070628
RemovedVersions - should work from version 5.3.1 rev. 070628

Example code:

using Sitecore;
using Sitecore.Data.Items;
using Sitecore.Events;
using Sitecore.Publishing;
namespace Sitecore.layouts.Code
    public class CustomPublish

        public void OnPublish(object sender, EventArgs args)
            SitecoreEventArgs sArgs = args asSitecoreEventArgs;
            Sitecore.Publishing.Publisher pbl = sArgs.Parameters[0] as Sitecore.Publishing.Publisher;
            pbl.Log = newCustomLog(pbl);

    public class CustomLog : Sitecore.Publishing.PublishLog
        public CustomLog(Publisher publisher): base(publisher) {}
        public override void AddedVersion(Item version)
            Item webItem = this.Publisher.Options.TargetDatabase.Items[version.ID, version.Language];
            if (webItem != null)
                using (new Sitecore.Data.Items.EditContext(webItem))
                   // This code makes changes for a web item.
                   webItem["Text"] = DateTime.Now.ToString(); 
                   webItem["__icon"] = "Network/16x16/home.png";
You should use publish:begin event e.g.:
<event name="publish:begin" >
   <handler type="Sitecore.layouts.Code.PublishBegin, CustomPublish" method="OnPublish"/>


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