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Sitecore Commerce Getting Started Guide
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What's New in Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1
Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Systems and Features
Catalog System Description
Marketing System Description
Orders System Description
Profiles System Description
Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Architecture
System Requirements
Persona Fundamentals
Integration Architecture Fundamentals
Limitations and Restrictions
Authorization Fundamentals
Commerce Roles Fundamentals
Administrative Roles
Content Development Roles
Business Tools Authorization Matrix
Authorization Management
Read an Authorization Role
Edit an Authorization Role
Delete an Authorization Role
Custom Roles Management
Create a New Role
Configure Access Rights at the Catalog Level
Configure Access Rights at the Category Level
Configure Access Rights in Data Templates
Configure Access Rights to Individual Fields
Integration Taskflow
Install Sitecore
Install Commerce Server
Deploy the Integration Packages
Build aSitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Website
Enable SOLR for Commerce Connect
Enable Analytics
Deploy the Merchandising Manager
Data Providers Fundamentals
Catalog Data Templates
Catalog Navigation Templates
Generated Catalog Templates
Commerce Settings Templates
Profile Store Integration Management
Edit Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Profile Schema for Sitecore Integration
Integrate Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Profile Properties with the Sitecore Profile Store
Associate a Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Membership Provider with Sitecore
Import Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 User Profiles into Sitecore
Add Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Profile Properties to User Manager
Catalog Integration Management
Associate an Existing Catalog to a SitecoreSite
Create a Catalog
Create a Category or Product
Create a Category Relationship
Create a Variant
Create a Virtual Catalog
Create a Static Catalog Set
Create a Dynamic Catalog Set
Edit a Catalog Display Name
Edit the Category Hierarchy
Content Editor Performance
Edit a Product's Parent Categories
Edit Products in a Category
Sequence a Child Category Or Product
Add Fields to a Catalog Item Type
Add Fields to a Unique Catalog Item
Map a Sitecore Field Type to a Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Property Type
Map a Sitecore Field Type to a Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Property
Add a New Sitecore Language to a Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Culture Mapping
Change the Sitecore Language of a Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Culture Mapping
Refreshing a Cache
Search-Driven Merchandising Management
Add a Facet to Category Navigation
Configuring Category Page Sorting
Create a Search Function
Create a Custom Field During Indexing
Search a Catalog for Products with Big Data
Site Build Management
Create a Common Layout for Category Pages
Create a Common Layout for Product Pages
Create a Category Page
Create a Product Page
Embed Catalog Items in a Content Page
Enable Editing on Category or Product Pages
Edit a Category or Product in Page Editor
Create Static Site Navigation
Create a Dynamic Category
Create Friendly URLs for Catalog Items
Profile Management
Create a User Profile and Log-in
View Shopper Account Details
Edit Associated Profile Entities
Create or Edit Profile Properties
Edit Shopper Account Properties Through User Manager
Delete a Shopper Account
Create and Secure a MyAccount Section
Use Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Profile Properties in Rules Engine Expressions
Refresh a User Cache With User Manager
Commerce Connect Integration Fundamentals
Commerce Connect Orders Management
Get Shipping Methods
Get Payment Methods
Get Visitor Orders
Get Visitor Order
Visitor Cancel Order
Commerce Connect Inventory Management
Get Stock Information
Get Pre Orderable Information
Get Back Orderable Information
Create Stock Information
Delete Stock Information
Update Stock Information
Search Stock Information
Create Stock Location
Delete Stock Location
Update Stock Location
Get Stock Location
Search Stock Locations
Get Unassociated Product Catalogs
Purge Deleted Items
Associate Location
Disassociate Location
Commerce Connect Cart Management
Get Carts
Load Cart
Add Cart Lines
Remove Cart Lines
Update Cart Lines
Delete Cart
Update Cart
Lock Cart
Unlock Cart
Merge Cart
Add Parties
Remove Parties
Update Parties
Add Payment Information
Remove Payment Information
Add Shipping Information
Remove Shipping Information
Add Promotional Code
Remove Promotional Code
Publishing Management
Stage a Catalog
Performance Management
Scaling Up Sitecore with Product Buckets
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