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Upgrading to SIP 3.1

This section describes how to upgrade an existing SIP 3.0 installation to SIP 3.1.
After you have upgraded to SIP 3.1 you can choose to update your SIP 3.1 installation to the latest version, SIP 3.1 rev.100726. Please refer to the Updates section.


To upgrade your SIP 2.2 installation to SIP 3.1 you must upgrade to SIP 3.0 and then to SIP 3.1. 

To upgrade a previous SIP 3.0.X version to SIP 3.1.0 rev.100421 release:


 Required files:

 Upgrade instructions:

  1. Backup the site.
  2. Install the Sitecore Intranet Portal 3.1.0 rev. 100421 PrepareToUpgrade Sitecore package.
  3. Open the Update Installation Wizard by entering the following URL in your browser: http://<hostname>/sitecore/admin/UpdateInstallationWizard.html.
    See the Update Installation Wizard Guide for more information about how to use the wizard.
  4. Install the Sitecore Intranet Portal 3.1.0 rev. 100421 update package using the wizard:
    1. Upload the update package using the wizard.
    2. Analyze the package.
    3. Install the package.
  5. Rename the following files:
    • Rename “/App_Config/Security/Domains.config.xml” to “Domains.config”
    • Rename “/App_Config/Security/GlobalRoles.config.xml” to “GlobalRoles.config”
  6. Update the following configuration files. You can find the exact strings to update on the Configuration Files page.
    • /Web.config
    • /App_Config/Commands.config
    • /App_Config/FieldTypes.config
    • /App_Config/IntranetSettings.config
  7. Move the /indexes folder to your "data" folder (the folder that is defined in the dataFolder variable in the web.config file).
    Alternatively, change the new IndexFolder setting from "$(dataFolder)/indexes" to "/indexes" and keep the folder in its current location.
  8. If your data folder is placed outside the webroot, move the file <webroot>/data/webdav.lic to your data folder (the folder that is defined in the dataFolder variable in the web.config file).
  9. In order to get the WebDAV, which is utilized by Sitecore Intranet Portal “Attachments” feature, working for your Sitecore Intranet Portal installation you will need to configure your server. See the WebDAV Configuration page for more information.
  10. Clear your browser's cache. In Internet Explorer this is done via the menu Tools » Internet Options » Browsing History » Delete » Delete Temporary Internet Files.
  11. Rebuild the search indexes and the link database in the master and the core databases. You can do this using the wizards available via the Sitecore desktop link Sitecore » Control Panel » Database.
  12. As the Intanet.Content template has been renamed to the Intranet.BaseTemplate you may need to perform the following steps:
    • To display items based on old Intranet.Content template on the left hand side menu, add the "intranet.basetemplate|" value to the includetemplates parameter of the Intranet.SubMenu.xslt file.
    • To display items based on old Intranet.Content template in breadcrumb, add the "intranet.basetemplate|" value to the includetemplates parameter of the Intranet.BreadCrumbs.xslt file.
    • To display items based on old Intranet.Content template in sitemap, add the "intranet.basetemplate|" value to the includetemplates parameter of the Intranet.Sitemap.xslt file.
    • To display site tools (RSS, Send to a friend and Print) for items based on old Intranet.Content template, add the "intranet.basetemplate|" value to the includetemplates parameter of the Intranet.Sitetools.xslt file.
    • If you have items based on old Intranet.Content as parents of Activity, add the “intranet.basetemplate|” value to the backnavtemplates parameter of the Intranet.Activity.xslt file.
  13. Important! If you have created custom standard values for the templates from the list below then make sure that these standard values items contains correct field values (as they could be overwritten during upgrade):
    • /sitecore/templates/Intranet/Base templates/Searchable
    • /sitecore/templates/Intranet/Intranet.DocumentLink
    • /sitecore/templates/Weblog/Intranet.Weblog.Comment
    • /sitecore/templates/Intranet/Base templates/Intranet.BaseTemplate (originally it was /sitecore/templates/Intranet/Intranet.Content template)
  14. Important! Check that the ‘/sitecore/templates/Intranet/Base templates/Intranet.BaseTemplate’ template has the following templates in its base templates list:
    • /sitecore/templates/Intranet/Configuration/RSS Feed Entry Content
    • /sitecore/templates/File Drop Area/File Drop Area Section
  15. You may also wish to perform the following optional cleanup steps.

Optional steps:

  1. The /sitecore/shell/Security.templates.xml file is no longer used by Sitecore and can be deleted.
  2. The following files in the /sitecore/admin folder are obsolete and should be deleted if you don't use them:
    • CompareSubtrees.html
    • DumpIndex.html
    • Reflect.html
    • SizeTester.html
    • UnitTestCacheClear.html
    • UnitTestLogin.html
  3. By default, Sitecore Intranet Portal 3.1.0 will use theme icons stored in zip-files. You can delete the old icons and folders if they are not used for custom purposes and if you haven't added custom icons into any of the folders. Be careful not to delete any of the following folders:
    • ComponentArt
    • Custom
    • Default
    • Firefox
    • Gradients
    • Images
    • Internet Explorer
    • Reports 

This section contains all the changes required for config files to upgrade SIP 3.0 installation to SIP 3.1.