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Valid for Sitecore 5.3.2, 5.3.1
2.  Sitecore 5.3 Prerequisites, Hardware and Software Requirements
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This document describes prerequisites, hardware and software requirements for Sitecore 5.3 host and client machines. Because Sitecore can be hosted on a server running Windows XP (restricting IIS to 5 concurrent HTTP connections), or a workstation running Windows 2003, in this document the term “server” refers to a Windows 2003 web or database server and the term “host” refers to an installation of Sitecore on either a server or workstation.

2.1.  System requirements

Sitecore can be hosted on a Microsoft Windows 2003 server accessed by multiple clients or on a Microsoft Windows XP developer workstation accessed by fewer clients (due to limitations of IIS on Windows XP). For Sitecore server hosts, Sitecore highly recommends Microsoft SQL Server 2005 running on a separate database server. Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition and Visual Studio 2005 are recommended for developer workstations hosting Sitecore.

To reduce ASP.NET configuration issues on Sitecore hosts, install IIS before updating the .NET framework. Some antivirus Software can be detrimental to performance of ASP.NET applications such as Sitecore. For Sitecore hosts, use only those antivirus scanners certified for the operating system (see Certain listed products may interfere with the application such as affecting HTTP data streams; Norton Antivirus is one known culprit.

Sitecore clients are simply browser-based user interfaces; other than Firefox 2 or Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or 6 configured as described below, no additional software must be installed on Sitecore clients accessing Sitecore hosts. All Sitecore host and client systems should meet any minimum criteria outlined by Microsoft and/or other respective software vendors for the relevant component configurations such as a Microsoft Windows XP workstation or Microsoft Windows 2003 ASP.NET server.

Note: Sitecore CMS must be installed on a local drive, not a UNC share.

Microsoft Windows

All Microsoft Windows XP machines hosting Sitecore or accessing Sitecore via Internet Explorer must have Windows XP Service Pack 2 installed. Sitecore highly recommends Service Pack 2 (or R2) for Microsoft Windows 2003; as a minimum Service Pack 1 is required. 

Microsoft Windows 2000 is not supported by Sitecore 5.3. 

As a Windows administrator, use Microsoft Windows Update ( to patch and reboot Sitecore host and client machines until Windows Update reports no remaining relevant updates are available excepting any updates documented by Sitecore to negatively affect the application. 

Sitecore supports and tests the CMS product on 32-bit Windows operating systems and on 64-bit Windows operating systems using 32-bit compatibility mode for web applications (Microsoft Vista and Microsoft Windows 2003). 

Sitecore supports Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and .NET Framework 3.5.

Any available updates to the .NET framework should be applied to Sitecore hosts. Windows console or Remote Desktop access and administrative rights are required to install software such as Sitecore and Windows Updates.

Internet Explorer

Sitecore 5.3 supports Firefox 2 for the WebEdit, Preview, Content Editor and Workbox Sitecore clients, Microsoft Internet Explorer is not required. Internet Explorer 6 or 7 is required for the Desktop and DeveloperCenter clients. For Internet Explorer 6, MSXML 4.0 must be installed either KB918899 ( must be removed or KB923996 ( must be installed; alternatively to obtain KB923996 which correct the defect in the browser:

No updates are required for Internet Explorer 7.

Sitecore Host Database

Sitecore hosts require access to a relational database. Options include:

If a database server is not available, Sitecore can use SQLite database files stored under the installation root without the need for any additional hardware or software.  

Minimum Sitecore Client Requirements

Minimum Sitecore Development Host Requirements

Minimum Sitecore Server Host Requirements

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