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Instructions for downloading and installing Sitecore CMS 6.2.0 rev.091012.
This is an old CMS 6.2.0 update.
You should only use this update as an interim update when upgrading from Sitecore CMS 6.1 to 6.2 Update-2 or later.
Important: If you are upgrading from Sitecore CMS 6.1.0, you should continue upgrading to version 6.3.0 or later and not stop the upgrade process at version 6.2.0.
Notice: This page was updated on November 26, 2009 with a new update package:
- The update package will no longer try to add or change items in the "web" database.
- The file size of the update package is now considerably smaller.
- A new step about moving the /data/webdav.lic file was added to the instructions. This file was missing from the previous 6.1 to 6.2 update package. If you used the old update package to upgrade your solution, download the webdav.lic file and place it in your data folder (the folder that contains the regular Sitecore license).
- Sitecore CMS 6.1.0 rev. 090630 or later.
If your Sitecore solution is based on an earlier version, then you must update to Sitecore 6.1.0 rev. 090630 before you install this update. - If you are upgrading from version earlier than Sitecore 6.1.0 rev. 090821 .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is required to run the Update Installation Wizard.
This upgrade requires the following files:
Sitecore CMS 6.2.0 rev. 091012 Update Package (120 MB)
Notice: This update package is larger than it normally is because it installs a number of zip files containing Sitecore's standard theme icons. Storing the icons in zip files will decrease the time spent on file operations when copying or moving Sitecore installations and will be required for correct operation of the system in the future. See the Release Notes for more details about this feature.
Follow the steps below to upgrade an existing Sitecore CMS 6.1.0 installation to Sitecore CMS 6.2.0 rev. 091012:
- Important: If you are upgrading from Sitecore CMS 6.1.0, you should continue upgrading to version 6.3.0 or later after installing this update. The system will not work as expected if you stop the upgrade process at version 6.2.0.
- Back up the site.
- Open the Update Installation Wizard by entering the following URL in your browser: http://<hostname>/sitecore/admin/UpdateInstallationWizard.html.
See the Update Installation Wizard Guide for more information about how to use the Wizard. - Install the Sitecore CMS 6.2.0 rev. 091012 update package using the Wizard. Some expected collisions may occur, see the “Note about expected collisions” below for details.
- Upload the update package using the wizard.
Note: The upload might fail due to the large file size. If you run into this problem, move the update package manually to the /sitecore/admin/Packages folder. Alternatively, you can increase the value of the maxRequestLength attribute of the configuration\system.web\httpRuntime element in the web.config file to allow upload of the large update package. - Analyze the package.
- Install the package.
- Upload the update package using the wizard.
- Rename the following files:
- Rename "/App_Config/Security/Domains.config.xml" to "Domains.config"
- Rename "/App_Config/Security/GlobalRoles.config.xml" to "GlobalRoles.config"
- Update the following configuration files. You can find the exact strings to update on the Web.config Changes page.
- /Web.config
- /App_Config/Commands.config
- /App_Config/FieldTypes.config
- Configure the Analytics Data Provider (App_Confog/Include/Sitecore.Analytics.config):
- For SQL server:<analyticsManager defaultProvider="default">
<add name="default"
</analyticsManager> - For Oracle:<analyticsManager defaultProvider="default">
<add name="default"
- For SQL server:
- If you are upgrading from Sitecore 6.1.0 rev. 090630, you must also apply the changes mentioned on the Web.config Changes in rev. 090722 compared to rev. 090630 page. This step is not necessary if you are upgrading from 6.1.0 rev.090722 or 6.1.0 rev.090821.
- Move the /indexes folder to your "data" folder (the folder that is defined in the dataFolder variable in the web.config file).
Alternatively, change the new IndexFolder setting from "$(dataFolder)/indexes" to "/indexes" and keep the folder in its current location. - If your data folder is placed outside the webroot, move the file <webroot>/data/webdav.lic to your data folder (the folder that is defined in the dataFolder variable in the web.config file).
- Clear your browser’s cache. For instance, in Internet Explorer this is done via the menu Tools » Internet Options » Browsing History » Delete » Delete Temporary Internet Files.
- Rebuild search indexes and the link database in the master and in the core databases. You can do this using the wizards available via the Sitecore desktop link Sitecore » Control Panel » Database.
- Consider to perform the optional steps below, including the clean-up.
- Reiterate the update procedure for every Sitecore instance in your Sitecore environment.
Optional steps
- The /sitecore/shell/Security.templates.xml file is no longer used by Sitecore and can be deleted.
- The following files in the /sitecore/admin folder are obsolete and should be deleted if you don't use them:
- CompareSubtrees.html
- DumpIndex.html
- Reflect.html
- SizeTester.html
- UnitTestCacheClear.html
- UnitTestLogin.html
- By default, Sitecore CMS 6.2.0 will use theme icons stored in zip-files. You can delete old icons and folders in the \sitecore\shell\Themes\Standard folder if they are not used for custom purposes and if you haven't added custom icons to any of the folders. Be careful not to delete any of the following folders:
- ComponentArt
- Custom
- Default
- Firefox
- Gradients
- Images
- Internet Explorer
- Reports
The update package installs *.config files side-by-side to the original files to make it easier to merge configuration file changes. It is recommended to remove these extra config files after updating. This typically applies to the following files:
- /Web.config
- /App_Config/Commands.config
- /App_Config/FieldTypes.config
Note about expected collisions
If you are upgrading from a release later than Sitecore CMS 6.1.0 rev. 090630, you will see warnings that a number of files have been modified and will be overwritten. This is expected behavior for the following files (you might only see some of the warnings, depending on which release you are upgrading from)
- /bin/Sitecore.Analytics.dll
- /bin/Sitecore.Client.dll
- /bin/Sitecore.Client.xml
- /bin/Sitecore.Kernel.dll
- /bin/Sitecore.Kernel.xml
- /bin/Sitecore.Update.dll
- /sitecore/shell/Applications/Analytics/AuthoringFeedback/AuthoringFeedback.mrt
- /sitecore/shell/Applications/Analytics/ReportRunner/Report.html
- /sitecore/shell/Applications/Analytics/Reports/Session.mrt
- /sitecore/shell/Applications/Security/UserManager/UserManager.html
- /sitecore/shell/Applications/WebEdit/WebEdit.js
- /sitecore/shell/Applications/WebEdit/WebEditRibbon.js
- /sitecore/shell/Controls/Sitecore.js
- /sitecore/shell/Schemas/sitecore.xsd
- /sitecore/shell/sitecore.version.xml