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Instructions for downloading and installing Sitecore CMS 6.3.0 Initial Rel.(rev. 100716).
This is an old CMS 6.3.0 update.
You should only use this update as an interim update when upgrading from Sitecore CMS 6.2 to CMS 6.3.1 or later.
Important: If you are upgrading from Sitecore CMS 6.2.0, you should continue upgrading to version 6.3.1 or later and not stop the upgrade process at version 6.3.0.
Choose the appropriate link to download Sitecore CMS 6.3.0 Initial Rel.(rev. 100716):
Download the Sitecore web application installer (145 MB, .exe file)
Choose this link to download the setup.exe installation program (everything you need to get started).
Download a ZIP of the file above (145 MB, ZIP archive)
Choose this link to download the setup.exe installation program if your network blocks the download of exe files.
Download a ZIP archive of the Sitecore CMS site root (145 MB, ZIP archive)
Choose this link to install Sitecore manually (without the help of the setup.exe installation program)
You may also want to consider downloading additional tools:
Download the Database Vendor Change Tool (0.6 MB, ZIP archive)
Choose this link to download a tool which allows you to use an alternative database storage vendor for your site. Please note, this tool is version specific! Be sure to download the version that corresponds to the installed Sitecore release.
Click this link to read more about the Database Vendor Change Tool.
To upgrade a previous Sitecore CMS 6 version to this release:
- Sitecore CMS 6.2.0 rev. 091012.
SQLite is no longer supported. If you are running on SQLite, you must upgrade your 6.2 databases to SQL Server Server or Oracle before upgrading to 6.3. This can be done using the Database Vendor Change Tool. - If your Sitecore solution is based on an earlier version, then you must update to Sitecore 6.2.0 rev. 091012 before you install this update.
This update requires the following files:
- Sitecore CMS 6.3.0 rev. 100716 Update Package (21.4 MB)
- SQL server
SitecoreCMS630.sql - Oracle
Important: Sitecore 6.3.0 rev. 100716 and 6.3.0 Update-1 (rev. 100830) do not include the fixes that are included in 6.2 Update-4 (rev. 100831). If you are upgrading from 6.2 Update-4 (or later), you should install this update only if the target version you are upgrading to is 6.3 Update-2 or later 6.3 versions.
Important: A number of 3rd party DLLs have been updated to newer versions in CMS 6.3 (ComponentArt.Web.UI.dll, Newtonsoft.Json.dll, and the Stimulsoft DLLs). You might have to update and recompile your code if you are referencing these DLLs from your code. Also, CMS 6.3 itself contains a small number of breaking API changes that could require you to change and recompile your code if you are using these specific parts of the API.
Important: If you are using Staging module for Sitecore CMS, it should be uninstalled when upgrading to Sitecore CMS 6.3. Refer to these instructions to uninstall the Staging module. Refer to this article for information about new features in Sitecore CMS that make the Staging module obsolete.
Important: If the Configuring Production Environments document was applied to your multi-instance environment, it is recommended to revert the changes. Instead, updated instructions from the Scaling Guide document should be used.
Follow the steps below to upgrade an existing Sitecore CMS 6.2.0 rev.091012 or later installation to Sitecore CMS 6.3.0 rev. 100716 (also known as 6.3.0 Initial Rel.):
- Important: If you are upgrading from Sitecore CMS 6.2.0, you should continue upgrading to version 6.3.1 or later after installing this update. The system will not work as expected if you stop the upgrade process at version 6.3.0.
- Back up the site.
- If you are updating from 6.2.0 rev. 091012, update the web.config file with the changes between rev. 091012 and rev. 100104 before you continue.
- Open the Update Installation Wizard by entering the following URL in your browser: http://<hostname>/sitecore/admin/UpdateInstallationWizard.html
See the Update Installation Wizard Guide for more information about how to use the Wizard. - Install the Sitecore CMS 6.3.0 rev. 100716 update package using the Wizard. Some expected collisions may occur, see the Note about expected collisions below for details.
- Upload the update package using the Wizard.
- Analyze the package.
- Install the package.
- Update your web.config document to the current version step-by-step:
- Web.config changes in CMS 6.2.0 rev. 100104 (if you did not already apply them before installing the CMS 6.3 update package).
- Web.config changes in CMS 6.2.0 rev. 100507
- Web.config changes in CMS 6.2.0 rev. 100701
- Web.config changes in CMS 6.3.0 rev. 100716
- Upgrade the database schema:
- SQL Server: Execute the SitecoreCMS630.sql script on each of your Sitecore databases (core, master, web and any custom Sitecore databases, but excluding the Analytics database and any Sitecore module databases you have installed). This will update the database schema to Sitecore CMS 6.3.0.
- Oracle: Please refer to the Oracle-specific instructions at the bottom of this page.
- The /bin/Interop.Shell32.dll file is no longer used by Sitecore. It is recommended to remove this file (unless any of your custom code depends on it).
- Clear your browser's cache. For instance, in Internet Explorer this is done via the menu Tools » Internet Options » Browsing History » Delete » Delete Temporary Internet Files.
- Rebuild search indexes and the link database in the master and the core databases. You can do this using the wizards available via the Sitecore desktop link Sitecore » Control Panel » Database.
- If you are updating from 6.2.0 rev. 091012: Check if any of the Sitecore log files contain warnings that one or more Sitecore performance counters do not exist (hint: search for "Using temporary internal counter") or that one or more Sitecore counters cannot be instantiated because the category is marked as single-instance (hint: search for "single-instance"). To resolve this problem:
- Download sitecorecounters.zip.
- Unzip the archive.
- Run the SitecoreCounters.exe program to re-register the Sitecore performance counters.
- Reiterate the update procedure for every Sitecore instance in your Sitecore environment.
Optional steps:
- It is recommended to install updated translations to the Sitecore client languages:
- Translation updates are available on the CMS 6.3 Client Translations page.
- Notice that the CMS 6.3 update package automatically updates the English, Danish and Japanese client languages with new and changed phrases, but it is a good idea to check if a more up-to-date translation is available.
- If you already had a Japanese language node in the 6.2 core database, you will now have two Japanese language nodes. It is recommended to delete the old one by following these steps:
- Set the "Languages.AutoRemoveItemData" setting in the web.config file to "false".
- Remove the old Japanese language item in the core database (the new one has ID: {F3AE1386-24EF-45F1-9389-755FDFA9C4C8}).
- Change the "Languages.AutoRemoveItemData" setting back to its previous value.
- It is recommended to delete following files, since SQLite is no longer supported:
- /App_Config/ConnectionStringsSQLite.config
- /web.config.SQLite
Note about expected collisions:
If you are upgrading from a release later than Sitecore CMS 6.2.0 rev. 091012, you will see warnings that a number of files have been modified and will be overwritten. This is expected behavior for the following files (you might only see some of the warnings, depending on which release you are upgrading from).
- \bin\Sitecore.Analytics.dll
- \bin\Sitecore.Client.dll
- \bin\Sitecore.Client.XML
- \bin\Sitecore.Kernel.dll
- \bin\Sitecore.Kernel.xml
- \bin\Sitecore.Logging.dll
- \bin\sitecore.nexus.dll
- \bin\Sitecore.NVelocity.dll
- \bin\Sitecore.Oracle.dll
- \bin\Sitecore.SQLite.dll
- \bin\Sitecore.Update.dll
- \bin\Sitecore.Zip.dll
- \sitecore\shell\Applications\Globalization\SitecoreClientTranslation\SitecoreClientTranslation.html
- \sitecore\shell\Controls\Rich Text Editor\Preview.html
- \sitecore\shell\Controls\Rich Text Editor\RichText Commands.js
- \sitecore\shell\Schemas\sitecore.xsd
- \sitecore\shell\sitecore.version.xml
- /sitecore/templates/System/Validation/Validation Rule/Data/Text
Instructions for upgrading the database schema of Oracle databases
You will need the following files:
The zip files contains two files:
- UpgradeScriptOracleCMS630.sql – an SQL*Plus script to upgrade the Sitecore database schema to 6.3.0
- UpgradeCMS630.bat – a Windows batch file that invokes UpgradeScriptOracleCMS630.sql for the following Sitecore schemas: core, master, and web
Upgrade steps:
- Extract the SQL script and the batch file from the zip archive.
- Copy the SQL script and the batch file to the Database Server (or to the PC where the administration tools for the Oracle database are installed and set up).
- By default, the upgrade scripts will process three user schemas: sccore, scmaster, and scweb (the actual names depend on the value of the PREFIX environment variable).
- If your user schema names are different or if you have additional Sitecore user schemas, modify the batch file as necessary (but do not add the Analytics schema – it uses a different database schema and should not be upgraded).
- Shut down Sitecore.
- Back up your Sitecore schemas.
- Upgrade your database schema.
- In System Properties/Advanced/Environment Variables set up user-level variables as follows:
- DATABASE = The name of the database instance that hosts the Sitecore data.
- PASSWORD = Password for the system user of the Oracle instance.
- PREFIX = Prefix for the Sitecore user schemas and their passwords (default value: 'sc').
- Notice that user passwords are expected to be the same as the user names.
- Launch UpgradeCMS630.bat.
- Review the output of the script for errors.
- Remove the DATABASE, PASSWORD and PREFIX variables from the environment.
- In System Properties/Advanced/Environment Variables set up user-level variables as follows:
- Start Sitecore.
- Continue with the CMS 6.2 to 6.3 upgrade procedure as described above.