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Valid for Sitecore 6.0
Release Notes

The latest release information about the Web Forms for Marketers module.

1.  Release History

October 22, 2009

The Web Forms for Marketers module v1.1.0 rev.091002 is released.

Tested with Sitecore CMS 6.0.1 rev.090317 and Sitecore CMS 6.1.0 rev.090821.

Change log.

Issues resolved:

September 14, 2009

The Web Forms for Marketers module v1.1.0 rev.090821 is released.

Tested with Sitecore CMS 6.0.1 rev.090317 and Sitecore CMS 6.1.0 rev.090707.

Change log.

Issues resolved:

June 05, 2009

The Web Forms for Marketers module v1.0.1 rev.090601 is released.

Tested with Sitecore CMS 6.0.1 rev.090212.


Change log.

New features:

Issues resolved:

July 07, 2008

Web Forms for Marketers module v1.0.0 rev.080701 is released.

Tested with Sitecore CMS 6.0.

2.  Known issues

The list of known issues present in the latest version of the Web Forms for Marketers module.

  1. The Web Forms “Insert Form” dialog shows no placeholders after using the Preview application.
    After a user has viewed any item in the Preview application, subsequent attempts to open the the Web Forms “Insert Form” dialog shows no placeholders, even though the current page does contain one or more valid placeholders.
    Workaround: to work around this issue, open the Page Editor.  This will refresh the list of available placeholders in the “Insert Form” dialog.
  2. If you have written custom code that calls the Web Forms module’s API, you may encounter compilation errors (“missing assembly”) when you upgrade to the latest version.  This could happen due to a change in the assembly version between the previous and latest module versions. 
    Workaround: to work around this issue, re-reference the [module] assembly as a version independent reference (specific version = “false”) and recompile your code.
  3. If the name of a placeholder (located in the /sitecore/layouts/Placeholder Settings folder) contains any uppercase letters then it will not be possible add any form to this placeholder in the page editor because this  placeholder will  not  show up in the list.
    Workaround: to  resolve the problem, replace the following file \sitecore\shell\Applications\Modules\Web Forms for Marketers\script\Sitecore.PlaceholderManager.js with the one provided on this page.
    Download Sitecore.PlaceholderManager.js which supports uppercase letters in placeholder names.
  4. By default only admin user can  create the forms, even through user is a member of “Sitecore Client Forms Author” role.
    Workaround: to resolve the issue please take the following steps:
    1. Open Security Editor for “sitecore\ Sitecore Client User” role in the core database.
    2. Set read access to  inheritance for the /sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Ribbons/Chunks/Forms and /sitecore/content/Applications/Modules/Web Forms for Marketers items.