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Valid for Sitecore 7.5
Release Notes

The latest release information about the Web Forms for Marketers module version 2.5.

1.  Release History

February 09, 2015

The Web Forms for Marketers module 2.5 rev. 150209 is released.
Tested with Sitecore XP 7.5 rev. 150130.

This version of the module runs on Sitecore 7.5 rev. 150130 or later.

Change log

October 14, 2014

The Web Forms for Marketers module 2.5 rev. 141014 is released.

Tested with Sitecore CMS 7.5 rev. 141003.

This version of the module runs on Sitecore 7.5 rev. 141003.

New features:

Change log

Important Changes:

2.  Known issues

The following known issues might occur in the latest version of the Web Forms for Marketers:

  1. MSCaptcha that is used in WFFM does not fully support MVC. Some issues may occur. 
    • Audio isn’t played in Captcha in Firefox browser
    • Robot Attack Protection functionality isn’t fully supported. It could cause problems while submitting a form with Captcha field which has been configured with attack detection thresholds.
  2. The Drop List and Radio List fields do not store data correctly for the form based on MVC layout.
  3. Users can experience exception on Form Reports.
    Scenario: Restart ISS and click on a date link on the Usability Report in order to view a detailed info on the Detailed Usability Report.
    Exception: System.ArgumentNullException. Message: Key cannot be null. Parameter name: key. Source: System
    Workaround: refresh the report.  
  4. The List type field without any items leads to the exception on a frontend.
    Exception: System.ArgumentNullException. Message: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: items. Source: System.Web.Mvc
    Workaround: the list type field should not be blank. Add some items to the field.