Catalog Data Templates

Data templates for the Catalog system.

Predefined Catalog Data Templates

Table 1. Catalog Data Templates
Template Inherits from Tree Location Field Type Notes
Commerce Item Standard Sitecore Template sitecore/Templates/Commerce Base data template for all commerce data templates. This base template will allows you to apply changes to all commerce items.
Commerce Catalog System Commerce Item sitecore/Templates/Commerce/Catalog Base data template for the Catalog System. All other Catalog related templates inherit from this one.
Commerce Catalog Folder Commerce Catalog System sitecore/Templates/Commerce/Catalog Selected Catalogs Catalog Selection Catalog selection control which allows the user to specify which catalogs are to be displayed as children items.
Commerce Catalog Set Folder Commerce Catalog System sitecore/Templates/Commerce/Catalog This data template will trigger the catalog set folder data provider to generate the child nodes representing the static and dynamic catalog sets of the currently configured commerce server site. No properties are defined for this data template.
Commerce Dynamic Catalog Set Commerce Catalog System sitecore/Templates/Commerce/Catalog Base data template for dynamically defined catalog sets.
Description Simple Text Description of the catalog set
Expression Simple Text Expression used in the catalog selection.
IncludedCatalogs Control List of included catalogs based on the expression.
Commerce Catalog Commerce Catalog System sitecore/Templates/Commerce/Catalog Base data template for catalogs. This base template allows you to identify all catalog items and apply changes to them. All properties from the catalog should be exposed in the content editor.
Catalog Name Simple Text  
Start Date Datetime  
End Date Datetime  
Variant Id Simple Text  
Product Id Simple Text  
Currency Number  
Weight Measure Simple Text  
DefaultLanguage Simple Text  
Reporting Language Simple Text  
Commerce Virtual Catalog Commerce Catalog sitecore/Templates/Commerce/Catalog Base data template for virtual catalogs. This base template allows you to identify all virtual catalog items and apply changes to them.
Commerce Catalog Item Commerce Catalog System sitecore/Templates/Commerce/Catalog Base data template for product and category data templates. This base template allows you to identify all catalog items and apply changes to them.
CatalogName Commerce Read-Only Control  
ListPrice Commerce Decimal Control  
Description Single Line Text  
DefinitionName Commerce Read-Only Control  
Commerce Relationships Section Section where we display all of the commerce product and category relationships for the currently selected product.
RelationshipList Relationship List Control All Catalog Item relationships are represented in a single property. This property is formatted in the following manner: <itemid>,<relationshipname> | <itemid>,<relationshipname>
Commerce Hierarchy Section  
PrimaryParentCategory Primary Parent Category Control  
ParentCategories Parent Categories List Control  
Commerce Category Commerce Catalog Item sitecore/Templates/Commerce/Catalog Base data template for commerce category items. This base template allows you to identify all category items and apply changes to them.
Commerce Hierarchy Section  
ChildProducts Child Product List Control  
ChildCategories Child Categories List Control  
Commerce Product Commerce Catalog Item sitecore/Templates/Commerce/Catalog Base data template for commerce product items. This base template allows you to identify all product items and apply changes to them.
Commerce Variants Section  
Variants Variant List Control  
Commerce Product Variant Commerce Catalog System sitecore/Templates/Commerce/Catalog Base data template for commerce variant items. This base template allows you to identify all variant items and apply changes to them.
ListPrice Commerce Decimal Control  
Commerce Relationship Commerce Catalog System sitecore/Templates/Commerce/Catalog Base data template for commerce relationship items. This base template allows you to identify all relationship items and apply changes to them.
Relationship Name Simple Text  
Target Category Simple Text  
Target Product Id Simple Text  
Target Catalog Name Simple Text  
Relationship Description Simple Text  
Commerce Category Association Commerce Catalog System sitecore/Templates/Commerce/Catalog Base data template for commerce category association items. This base template allows you to identify all category association items and apply changes to them.
CategoryName Simple Text  
Commerce Base Search Category Standard Template sitecore/Templates/Commerce/Catalog

This template is used to provide the necessary information required when performing a search on a specific category.

Category Search Facets Multilist Used to provide a list of facets to be displayed to the user when searching on a given category.
Sort Fields Multilist Provides a mechanism for selecting sort fields.
Items Per Page Commerce Int64 Control Allows users to specify the number of items displayed per page when searching in the category.
Commerce Static Catalog Set Commerce Catalog System sitecore/Templates/Commerce/Catalog Base data template for statically defined commerce server catalog sets
Description Simple Text  
IncludedCatalogs Control