Edit an Authorization Role

Change the access rights of a Commerce role.

At the Sitecore Security Editor:

Warning: Do not edit any of the preconfigured Commerce Roles. Create a custom role instead. See Create a New Role for detailed information.
  1. Open the Security Editor.
    Select Sitecore > Security Editor.
  2. Open the role for editing.
    Click Select in the Security Editor toolbar, choose the role from the list and click OK.
  3. Assign rights for Commerce content items to the role.
    Open the Commerce node in the content tree and assign rights to the content items within.
    Note: Use the table in Business Tools Authorization Matrix as a guideline for assigning rights to your new role.
    Note: Detailed procedures to assign rights to content items can be found in the Security Administrator's Cookbook on SDN.
  4. Confirm your changes.
    Click Access Viewer in the Security Editor toolbar, then navigate to the content items you have edited and observe the changes.
    Note: Content items may have to be refreshed. To refresh a content item, collapse and expand the corresponding node in the content tree.
    Note: Detailed procedures to use the Access Viewer can be found in the Security Administrator's Cookbook on SDN.