Developer tasks for using service method
UpdateCartLines is used when:
- The quantity is changed
- A service is added (like insurance or shipping)
- A promotion code is added for a given product
- A product is replaced with a variant
At your visual studio solution setup:
Reference the Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.CommerceServer and Sitecore.Commerce.dll.
Pick the class in your solution where want to use this service method.
Paste in the code below to use the service method.
provider = new CartServiceProvider(); // You should get
a real user id.string userId =
Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B"); var loadRequest =
new LoadCartByNameRequest("Website", "MyBasket", userId); var loadResult =
provider.LoadCart(loadRequest); CommerceCart cart
= loadResult.Cart as CommerceCart; CommerceCartLine
cartline = cart.Lines.ElementAt(0) as CommerceCartLine;cartline.Quantity
= 4; var updateRequest
= new UpdateCartLinesRequest(cart, new List<CartLine> { cartline }); // Only required
if you must specify the order form name to use. If
not specified the// first order
form is used.var info = new
CartRequestInformation(updateRequest, "default"); var updateResult =