Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Manual Deployment

Manually deploying a Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 solution.

Complete the following prerequisites:

At your solution server:

  1. Create domain or local accounts to run app pools for the following:
    • Sitecore Site
    • Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Catalog Web Service
    • Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Order Web Service
    • Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Profile Web Service
    • Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Marketing Web Service
    • Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Staging Service
  2. Install Sitecore using the zip or executable.
    The app pool user of the site will need modify permissions on the Data and Website folder of the site.
    In IIS create any required host headers for the site and update the hosts file if necessary.

  3. Option Description
    If... Do....
    You are running Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 on the server already Run the Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 upgrade wizard to upgrade from a previous install.
    You don't have Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 installed already Install and configure Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1.
  4. Secure Sitecore Databases
    • By default, Sitecore will try to connect to SQL using sql credentials, you can change the connection string to using integrated security.
    • Regardless of your connection type make sure the account that is used to talk to SQL is using the level of security recommended by Sitecore.
  5. Secure Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 databases.
    • See Securing Access to Commerce Sites and Resources topic in the Sitecore Commerce 7.2, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.0r Help on-product help.
    • The app pool user of the Sitecore site will be used to talk to SQL server, so ensure you lock down the Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 databases with the appropriate roles and add assign the app pool user to the appropriate roles.
  6. Install the Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 pup file using the Site Packager (pup.exe) tool
    • Ensure the created web services are using the app pool users created earlier
    • Update the Commerce Server web service AzMan files with the accounts of users you expect to use the legacy business tools
      • CatalogAuthorizationStore.xml
      • MarketingAuthorizationStore.xml
      • OrdersAuthorizationStore.xml
      • ProfilesAuthorizationStore.xml
  7. Using Windows Components Service Manager, give the Sitecore site app pool user Execute, Execute_Local, and Activate_Local permissions on the staging CReplicationProject COM object (this can be found at this path /Component Services/Computers/My Computer/DCOM Config/{7E95698D-CD3C-4C98-93C7-6510C31F7DDF})
  8. Install Commerce Connect.
    1. Log into the Sitecore site.
    2. From the Sitecore menu select, Development Tools\Installation Wizard
    3. Follow the wizard steps. Upload the Sitecore Commerce Connect 7.2 rev. file
  9. Install Sitecore Commerce Server Connect
    1. Navigate to http://<your site>/sitecore/admin/UpdateInstallationWizard.aspx
    2. Follow the wizard steps. Upload the Sitecore Commerce Server Connect rev. XXXXXX.update file
  10. Install the Merchandising Manager.
    1. Navigate to http://<your site>/sitecore/admin/UpdateInstallationWizard.aspx
    2. Follow the wizard steps. Upload the Sitecore Merchandising Manager rev. XXXXXX.update
  11. Update the Sitecore web.config with CommerceServer config section and modules with the following:
    < configuration >    < configSections >    < section name = " cachingConfiguration " type = " Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.Configuration.CacheManagerSettings,
            Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching, Version=5.0.414.0, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 " requirePermission = " true " />    < sectionGroup name = " CommerceServer " >      < section name = " application " type = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceApplicationSectionHandler,
            CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a " />      < section name = " authentication " type = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceAuthenticationSectionHandler,
            CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a " />      < section name = " pipelines " type = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Configuration.CommercePipelineSectionHandler,
            CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a " />      < section name = " caches " type = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceCacheSectionHandler,
            CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a " />      < section name = " messageManager " type = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceMessageManagerSectionHandler,
            CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a " />      < section name = " catalog " type = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceCatalogSectionHandler,
            CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a " />      < section name = " orders " type = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceOrdersSectionHandler,
            CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a " />      < section name = " profiles " type = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceProfilesSectionHandler,
            CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a " />      < section name = " contentSelection " type = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceContentSelectionSectionHandler,
            CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a " />      < section name = " commerceEvent " type = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Configuration.EventLoggerConfigurationHandler,
            CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a " />      < section name = " expressions " type = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceExpressionSectionHandler,
            CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a " />    </ sectionGroup >  </ configSections >    < cachingConfiguration configSource = " Caching.config "  />  < system.web >    <!--  Required for profile provider when used in combination with Facebook login via Social
            Connected - connected module/social connected
            1,-d-,3.aspx  -->    < profile defaultProvider = " switcher " enabled = " true " inherits = " Sitecore.Security.UserProfile, Sitecore.Kernel " >      < providers >        < clear />        < add name = " cs " type = " Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.CommerceServer.Profiles.CommerceServerProfileProvider,
            Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.CommerceServer " applicationName = " sitecore " readOnly = " false " />      </ providers >      < properties >        < clear />        < add type = " System.String " name = " SC_UserData " />        < add type = " System.String " name = " user_id " customProviderData = " cs|GeneralInfo.user_id "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " email_address " customProviderData = " cs|GeneralInfo.email_address "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " preferred_address " customProviderData = " cs|GeneralInfo.preferred_address "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " address_list " customProviderData = " cs|GeneralInfo.address_list "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " preferred_credit_card " customProviderData = " cs|GeneralInfo.preferred_credit_card "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " credit_card_list " customProviderData = " cs|GeneralInfo.credit_card_list "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " user_type " customProviderData = " cs|GeneralInfo.user_type "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " last_name " customProviderData = " cs|GeneralInfo.last_name "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " first_name " customProviderData = " cs|GeneralInfo.first_name "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " tel_number " customProviderData = " cs|GeneralInfo.tel_number "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " tel_extension " customProviderData = " cs|GeneralInfo.tel_extension "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " fax_number " customProviderData = " cs|GeneralInfo.fax_number "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " fax_extension " customProviderData = " cs|GeneralInfo.fax_extension "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " language " customProviderData = " cs|GeneralInfo.language "  />        < add type = " System.Boolean " name = " direct_mail_opt_out " customProviderData = " cs|GeneralInfo.direct_mail_opt_out "  />         < add type = " System.Boolean " name = " express_checkout " customProviderData = " cs|GeneralInfo.express_checkout "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " preferred_shipping_method " customProviderData = " cs|GeneralInfo.preferred_shipping_method "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " default_shopper_list " customProviderData = " cs|GeneralInfo.default_shopper_list "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " org_id " customProviderData = " cs|AccountInfo.org_id "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " account_status " customProviderData = " cs|AccountInfo.account_status "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " user_catalog_set " customProviderData = " cs|AccountInfo.user_catalog_set "  />        < add type = " System.DateTime " name = " date_registered " customProviderData = " cs|AccountInfo.date_registered "  />        < add type = " System.Int32 " name = " access_level " customProviderData = " cs|AccountInfo.access_level "  />        < add type = " System.DateTime " name = " date_last_changed " customProviderData = " cs|ProfileSystem.date_last_changed "  />        < add type = " System.DateTime " name = " date_created " customProviderData = " cs|ProfileSystem.date_created "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " user_id_changed_by " customProviderData = " cs|ProfileSystem.user_id_changed_by "  />        < add type = " System.Int32 " name = " KeyIndex " customProviderData = " cs|ProfileSystem.KeyIndex "  />        < add type = " System.DateTime " name = " csadapter_date_last_changed " customProviderData = " cs|ProfileSystem.csadapter_date_last_changed "  />        < add type = " System.String " name = " application_name " customProviderData = " cs|ProfileSystem.application_name "  />        < add type = " System.DateTime " name = " last_activity_date " customProviderData = " cs|ProfileSystem.last_activity_date "  />        < add type = " System.DateTime " name = " date_address_list_last_changed " customProviderData = " cs|ProfileSystem.date_address_list_last_changed "  />        < add type = " System.DateTime " name = " date_credit_card_list_last_changed " customProviderData = " cs|ProfileSystem.date_credit_card_list_last_changed "  />      </ properties >    </ profile >   </ system.web >   < system.webServer >    < validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration = " false "  />    < modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests = " false " >      < add name = " CommerceApplication " type = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.CommerceApplicationModule, CommerceServer.Core.Runtime,
            Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />      < add name = " CommerceCatalog " type = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Catalog.CommerceCatalogModule, CommerceServer.Core.Runtime,
            Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />      < add name = " CommerceOrder " type = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Orders.CommerceOrderModule, CommerceServer.Core.Runtime,
            Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />      < add name = " CommerceProfileModule " type = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Profiles.CommerceProfileModule, CommerceServer.Core.Runtime,
            Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />      < add name = " CommerceExpressionEvaluator " type = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Targeting.CommerceExpressionModule,
            CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />      < add name = " CommerceCache " type = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Caching.CommerceCacheModule, CommerceServer.Core.Runtime,
            Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />    </ modules >  </ system.webServer >  < CommerceServer >    < application siteName = " SolutionStorefrontSite " debugLevel = " Production "  />    < pipelines >      < pipeline name = " basket " path = " pipelines\basket.pcf " transacted = " false " type = " OrderPipeline " loggingEnabled = " false "  />      < pipeline name = " checkout " path = " pipelines\checkout.pcf " transacted = " true " type = " OrderPipeline " loggingEnabled = " false "  />      < pipeline name = " product " path = " pipelines\product.pcf " transacted = " false " type = " OrderPipeline " loggingEnabled = " false "  />      < pipeline name = " total " path = " pipelines\total.pcf " transacted = " false " type = " OrderPipeline " loggingEnabled = " false "  />      < pipeline name = " advertising " path = " pipelines\advertising.pcf " transacted = " false " type = " CSFPipeline " loggingEnabled = " false "  />      < pipeline name = " discounts " path = " pipelines\discounts.pcf " transacted = " false " type = " CSFPipeline " loggingEnabled = " false "  />      < pipeline name = " recordevent " path = " pipelines\recordevent.pcf " transacted = " false " type = " CSFPipeline " loggingEnabled = " false "  />      < pipeline name = " creditcard " path = " pipelines\creditcard.pcf " transacted = " false " type = " OrderPipeline " loggingEnabled = " false "  />    </ pipelines >    < caches >      < cache name = " Advertising " type = " Advertising " refreshInterval = " 900 " retryInterval = " 30 "  />      < cache name = " Discounts " type = " Discounts " refreshInterval = " 0 " retryInterval = " 30 "  />      < cache name = " ShippingManagerCache " type = " Shipping " loaderProgId = " Commerce.ShippingMethodCache " refreshInterval = " 0 " retryInterval = " 30 "  />      < cache name = " PaymentMethodCache " type = " Payment "  />      < cache name = " OrdersConfigurationCache " type = " OrdersConfiguration "  />    </ caches >    < messageManager >      < cultures default = " en-us " baseName = " CommerceMessageManager " assembly = " CommerceMessageManager " >        < culture id = " en-us "  />      </ cultures >      < resources >        < resource id = " pur_badsku "  />        < resource id = " pur_badplacedprice "  />        < resource id = " pur_discount_changed "  />        < resource id = " pur_discount_removed "  />        < resource id = " pur_noitems "  />        < resource id = " pur_badshipping "  />        < resource id = " pur_badhandling "  />        < resource id = " pur_badtax "  />        < resource id = " pur_badcc "  />        < resource id = " pur_badpayment "  />        < resource id = " pur_badverify "  />        < resource id = " pur_out_of_stock "  />        < resource id = " unknown_shipping_method "  />      </ resources >    </ messageManager >    < catalog >      < cache enable = " true " schemaTimeout = " 10 " itemInformationCacheTimeout = " 10 " itemHierarchyCacheTimeout = " 10 " itemRelationshipsCacheTimeout = " 10 " itemAssociationsCacheTimeout = " 10 " catalogCollectionCacheTimeout = " 10 "  />    </ catalog >    < commerceEvent >      < add className = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.AddItemToBasketEvent " id = " AddItemToBasket " loggingEnabled = " false "  />      < add className = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.RemoveItemFromBasketEvent " id = " RemoveItemFromBasket " loggingEnabled = " false "  />      < add className = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.SubmitOrderEvent " id = " SubmitOrder " loggingEnabled = " false "  />      < add className = " CommerceComponents.Common.CancelOrderEvent, CommerceComponents " id = " CancelOrder " loggingEnabled = " false "  />      < add className = " CommerceComponents.Common.PromoCodeRedeemedEvent, CommerceComponents " id = " PromoCodeRedeemed " loggingEnabled = " false "  />      < add className = " CommerceComponents.Common.UserSignInEvent, CommerceComponents " id = " UserSignIn " loggingEnabled = " false "  />      < add className = " CommerceComponents.Common.RelatedProductClickEvent, CommerceComponents " id = " RelatedProductClick " loggingEnabled = " false "  />      < add className = " CommerceComponents.Common.RelatedCategoryClickEvent, CommerceComponents " id = " RelatedCategoryClick " loggingEnabled = " false "  />    </ commerceEvent >    < orders honorStatus = " true " newOrderStatus = " NewOrder " >      < addressMap name = " Address " >        < property from = " GeneralInfo.address_id " to = " OrderAddressId "  />        < property from = " GeneralInfo.first_name " to = " FirstName "  />        < property from = " GeneralInfo.last_name " to = " LastName "  />        < property from = " GeneralInfo.address_line1 " to = " Line1 "  />        < property from = " GeneralInfo.address_line2 " to = " Line2 "  />        < property from = " " to = " City "  />        < property from = " GeneralInfo.region_code " to = " RegionCode "  />        < property from = " GeneralInfo.postal_code " to = " PostalCode "  />        < property from = " GeneralInfo.country_code " to = " CountryCode "  />        < property from = " GeneralInfo.country_name " to = " CountryName "  />        < property from = " GeneralInfo.region_name " to = " State "  />        < property from = " GeneralInfo.tel_number " to = " DaytimePhoneNumber "  />      </ addressMap >      < Types >        < Type Key = " Basket " UserTypeName = " Basket " AssemblyType = " GAC " NameSpace = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Orders " Assembly = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />        < Type Key = " PurchaseOrder " UserTypeName = " PurchaseOrder " AssemblyType = " GAC " NameSpace = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Orders " Assembly = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />        < Type Key = " OrderTemplate " UserTypeName = " OrderTemplate " AssemblyType = " GAC " NameSpace = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Orders " Assembly = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />        < Type Key = " OrderForm " UserTypeName = " OrderForm " AssemblyType = " GAC " NameSpace = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Orders " Assembly = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />        < Type Key = " LineItem " UserTypeName = " LineItem " AssemblyType = " GAC " NameSpace = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Orders " Assembly = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />        < Type Key = " Shipment " UserTypeName = " Shipment " AssemblyType = " GAC " NameSpace = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Orders " Assembly = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />         < Type Key = " Payment " UserTypeName = " Payment " AssemblyType = " GAC " NameSpace = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Orders " Assembly = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />        < Type Key = " CreditCardPayment " UserTypeName = " CreditCardPayment " AssemblyType = " GAC " NameSpace = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Orders " Assembly = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />        < Type Key = " GiftCertificatePayment " UserTypeName = " GiftCertificatePayment " AssemblyType = " GAC " NameSpace = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Orders " Assembly = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />        < Type Key = " PurchaseOrderPayment " UserTypeName = " PurchaseOrderPayment " AssemblyType = " GAC " NameSpace = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Orders " Assembly = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />        < Type Key = " CashCardPayment " UserTypeName = " CashCardPayment " AssemblyType = " GAC " NameSpace = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Orders " Assembly = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />        < Type Key = " OrderAddress " UserTypeName = " OrderAddress " AssemblyType = " GAC " NameSpace = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Orders " Assembly = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />        < Type Key = " DiscountApplicationRecord " UserTypeName = " DiscountApplicationRecord " AssemblyType = " GAC " NameSpace = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Orders " Assembly = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />        < Type Key = " ShippingDiscountRecord " UserTypeName = " ShippingDiscountRecord " AssemblyType = " GAC " NameSpace = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Orders " Assembly = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />        < Type Key = " PromoCodeRecord " UserTypeName = " PromoCodeRecord " AssemblyType = " GAC " NameSpace = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime.Orders " Assembly = " CommerceServer.Core.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
            PublicKeyToken=f5c79cb11734af7a "  />      </ Types >      < Limits OrderFormsPerOrderGroup = " 5 " PromoCodeRecordsPerOrderForm = " 10 " PromoCodesPerOrderForm = " 10 " LineItemsPerOrderForm = " 40 " OrderTemplatesPerUser = " 10 " PaymentsPerOrderForm = " 10 " ShipmentsPerOrderForm = " 40 " BasketsPerUser = " 15 " OrderAddressesPerOrderGroup = " 10 "  />      < MappingFiles PipelineMappingFilename = " OrderPipelineMappings.xml " StorageMappingFilename = " OrderObjectMappings.xml "  />    </ orders >    < profiles >      < userProfile profileDefinition = " UserObject " userIdProperty = " GeneralInfo.user_id " organizationIdProperty = " AccountInfo.org_id " catalogSetIdProperty = " AccountInfo.user_catalog_set " userIdSource = " ASP.NET " userIdKey = " GeneralInfo.email_address " userIdTarget = " GeneralInfo.user_id "  />      < storeProfile profileDefinition = " StoreObject " storeIdProperty = " GeneralInfo.store_id " storeIdKey = " GeneralInfo.store_name "  />      < organizationProfile profileDefinition = " Organization " organizationIdProperty = " GeneralInfo.org_id " catalogSetIdProperty = " GeneralInfo.org_catalog_set "  />      < encryption keyIndex = " 1 " publicKey = " registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommerceServer\Encryption\Keys\SolutionStorefrontSite,PublicKey " privateKey1 = " registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommerceServer\Encryption\Keys\SolutionStorefrontSite,PrivateKey " privateKey2 = "" >      </ encryption >    </ profiles >    < expressions schema = " Auto "  />  </ CommerceServer > </ configuration >
  12. Update the Sitecore domain.config.
    • Update “CommerceUsers” domain “defaultProfileItemId” attribute in \Website\App_config\Security\Domains.config file with "{0FFEC1BD-4D35-49CF-8B7D-7F01930834ED}" value
  13. Import Catalogs.
    Use the command line tool ImportCatalog.exe.
  14. Import Inventory Catalogs.
    Use the command line tool ImportCatalog.exe.
  15. Import Profiles
    1. Update the Profile database schema using SQL files
    2. Import profile schema with Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Manager
  16. Import Orders
    1. Use the Order Mapping tool to generate an SQL script to create the tables, stored procedures and delete any existing data.
    2. Import payment and shipping methods with SQL files or Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 Customers and Orders Manager.
  17. Select your Catalog:
    1. Login into the Sitecore site
    2. Open Content editor
    3. Go to this node /sitecore/Commerce/Catalog Management/Catalogs/ and select the Catalogs you want to expose in Sitecore.
      If you expand and collapse the Catalogs node to you will now see new nodes that represent the catalog(s) you just selected.
  18. Publish to the Web:
    1. Login into the Sitecore site
    2. Select Sitecore > Publish Site

      Since it’s the first time you are publishing your site, do a Full Publish for All Languages.

  19. Build the indexes.
    1. Select Sitecore > Control Panel > Indexing/Indexing Manager
    2. Follow the wizard to rebuild the search indexes. Select all the indexes.