Quick Install Preparation

Complete the system preparation before starting the quick install.

You are required to perform the following tasks to prepare your machine for a Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 install.
Important: Before installing software, make sure you apply any Windows critical updates to the operating system.
Important: You must have administrative privileges on the computer where you are installing the software.

Install Prerequisite Software

Install the prerequisite software in the order indicated:
  1. .NET 4.5
  2. .NET 3.5
  3. IIS Server
Note: The installer does not GAC below components. If you are using the Foundation APIs that are installed, the following components must be added to the GAC on any machines running Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1. Otherwise, you will receive runtime errors when invoking Foundation APIs. The sample MVC Site does not use Foundation API:
  • Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching
  • Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common
  • Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandling
  • Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandling.Logging
  • Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation
  • Microsoft.Practices.Unity
  • Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration
  • Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Interception
  • Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Interception.Configuration

If you are planning to use the BizTalk Adapters, be sure to install BizTalk before you install Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1. The Commerce Server BizTalk Adapters will install only if BizTalk has been installed first. If you have installed Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1, then unistall Commerce Server, install BizTalk, and then reinstall Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1.

Admin Privileges for Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1

The user account created for Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 must have administrator privileges on the machine where you are deploying Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1. In addition, the account must have the following permissions in SQL Server:
  • dbcreator
  • public
  • securityadmin
See the SQL Server documentation for instructions on making role assignments. For detailed instructions about creating user accounts and assigning permissions, see Windows Server documentation.

Change the Size of the web.config file

Sitecore Commerce 7.5, powered by Commerce Server and Commerce Server 11.1 requires a web.config file of at least 300KB. To change the size of your web.config file see: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/954864