The Variant Details tab contains a listing of all the properties associated with the
product variant.
The Variant Details tab contains the following controls:
- Media Control-change the sequence of the media by dragging and dropping thumbnails on the
sequence. Click the + to add media with the Media Picker.
- Variant ID- unique identifier for the variant.
- List Price- default price before discounts or promotions.
- Language Control- switch the product details to another supported language.
- Save Control- saves the product details to the system.

Variant Details
Select Media Tool
The Select Media Tool contains the following controls:
- Upload Media Control- adds media files to the system.
- Media Menu Control- Select the media displayed in the content area.
- Filters Control- Allows you to filter list items by content item property.
- Content area- displays media assets.
- Select Media Control- adds selected media to the commerce content item.
- View Control- Toggles the content area are between list view and tree view.
- Search Control: Use this control to launch search queries.
Note: The Select Media Control can only be used if you are using Sitecore as your CMS. If
you are not, you will see a text box to enter the relative URL to your media asset.

Select Media Tool