Default Commerce Engine service settings

  1. By default, the Commerce Authoring Service is deployed and referenced under http://localhost:5000. If you need to change the hostname or port for your deployment, do the following:

    For Sitecore Commerce 8.2.1 (initial release) installations:

    • Change the serviceUrl parameter in the \Website\App_Config\Include\Y.Commerce.Engine\Sitecore.Commere.Engine.config file for your Sitecore instance:
    • Change the DataServiceURL for the following Sitecore services (located in the Sitecore "core" database):
      • /sitecore/client/Commerce/Default Commerce Ops Service Settings
      • /sitecore/client/Commerce/Default Commerce Data Service Settings
      • /sitecore/client/Applications/CustomerOrderManager/Settings/Commerce Data Service Settings
      • /sitecore/client/Commerce/DynamicRendering/CommerceFormPage/PageSettings/Commerce Data Service Settings

    For Sitecore Commerce 8.2.1 update 1 installations:

    • Change the shopsServiceUrl parameter in the \Website\App_Config\Include\Y.Commerce.Engine\Sitecore.Commere.Engine.config file for your Sitecore instance:


    • Change the ApiService and CommerceOpsService configuration in the \Website\App_Config\Include\Z.Sitecore.Commerce.UX.Shared.config file:
         <ApiServcice DataServiceUrl="http://localhost:5000/api/" ShopName="Storefront" />
         <CommerceOpsService DataServiceUrl="http://localhost:5000/commerceops/" ShopName="Storefront" />

  2. The Commerce Authoring service references the Commerce Server Catalog web service, whose default address is http://localhost:1004/CFSolutionStorefrontSite_CatalogWebService/CatalogWebService.asmx. If you need to change the hostname or port for your deployment, you must change the references to the Commerce Server Catalog web service in the following files:
    • CommerceAuthoring\wwwroot\bootstrap\Global.json
    • CommerceAuthoring\wwwroot\data\Environments\PlugIn.Habitat.CommerceAuthoring-1.0.0.json

  3. The Commerce Authoring service requires access to the Sitecore instance during the initialization process. Information about the Sitecore instance is located in the CommerceAuthoring\wwwroot\data\Environments\PlugIn.Habitat.CommerceAuthoring-1.0.0.json file, and contains the following default values:
    • "$type": "Sitecore.Commerce.Plugin.Management.SitecoreConnectionPolicy, Sitecore.Commerce.Plugin.Management"
    • "Host": ""
    • "SitecoreDatabase": "master"
    • "UserName": "admin"
    • "Domain": "sitecore"
    • "Password": "b"
    • "PolicyId": "a12d609f37124c4fb9007519a8e18b69"

    If your Sitecore instance uses values other than the default values, you must update the .json file accordingly.

  4. The SQL Server uses the following default values for connections:
    • "$type": "Sitecore.Commerce.Plugin.SQL.EntityStoreSqlPolicy, Sitecore.Commerce.Plugin.SQL"
    • "TrustedConnection": true
    • "UserName": ""
    • "Password": ""
    • "Server": "."
    • "Database": "SitecoreCommerce_SharedEnvironments"
    • "AdditionalParameters": ""
    • "ConnectTimeout": 120000
    • "CleanEnvironmentTimeout": 120000
    • "PolicyId": "e1bdaa0a7c1a413e964fa37f56f6dfb0"

    If your SQL Server instances for Commerce Server and CommerceAuthoring use values other than the default values to establish connections (e.g., use a named SQL instance, SQL authentication, etc), you must update all *.json files under the CommerceAuthoring\wwwroot\bootstrap and CommerceAuthoring\wwwroot\data\Environments directories accordingly.

  • You must make the changes from steps 2 through 4 before the step involving Commerce Authoring bootstrapping. Otherwise you will need to run the steps for bootstrapping and initializing again.
  • The string values inside .json files must be properly escaped. For example, if the SQL Server named instance is being used from step 4, the "Server" values must be formatted as: "MachineName\\SQLInstanceName". Note the double backslash.
  • For more information about using Sitecore Commerce for production and customized deployment, see the Sitecore Commerce DevOps Guide.