Building a BizTalk role


This section provides instructions for configuring BizTalk Server in a Commerce Server enterprise deployment. The computer that is running BizTalk Server runs the Commerce Server line-of-business adapters to accept and transmit business-related messages, such as purchase orders and inventory requests.

You can install Commerce Server and BizTalk Server on the same computer, but you must run the configuration wizard for each product before you install and configure the next product. For example, you can install and configure Commerce Server before you install and configure BizTalk Server. Alternatively, you can install and configure BizTalk Server before you install and configure Commerce Server.

The Microsoft guide for BizTalk installation is located at:

If you install Commerce Server and BizTalk Server on the same computer, do not reference the same SQL Server databases for both products. You should run separate databases for each product.

To configure the BizTalk Server, follow these steps:

  1. Perform the pre-installation requirement of enabling clustering support by enabling MSDTC.

  2. Install BizTalk Server.

  3. Add the BizTalkAdmin group to the Administrator group. For more information, go to How to Add the BizTalkAdmin Group to the Administrators Group.

  4. Configure BizTalk Server.

  5. Install Commerce Server Adapters for BizTalk Server. For more information, go to How to Install Commerce Server Adapters for BizTalk Server.

  6. Set authorization roles for the CSLOB service account. For more information, go to How to Set Authorization Roles for the BizTalk Adapters.

  7. Add Commerce Server adapters to your BizTalk Server. For more information, go to How to Add a BizTalk Adapter.

  8. Configure the send and receive endpoints for each adapter. For more information, go to Working with the BizTalk Adapters.