Commerce Server Resource Data CmdLets

All Commerce Server Resources allow the import and export of schema and data in the form of an XML file. The following CmdLets expose this functionality in a uniform way that was not possible with previous tools.

To import files into a resource, use the following commands:

Import-CSCatalog -Name MySiteName -File $catalogFile
Import-CSInventory -Name MySiteName -File $inventoryFile
Import-CSMarketing -Name MySiteName -File $marketingFile
Import-CSOrders -Name MySiteName -File $ordersFile
Import-CSOrdersConfig -Name MySiteName -File $ordersConfigFile
Import-CSProfiles -Name MySiteName -File $profilesFile
Import-CSPromoCodes -Name MySiteName -File $promoCodesFile

For information about the additional properties of the Catalog, Inventory, and Marketing resources, use the following command:

Get-Help –detailed CmdLet-Name

To export files from a resource, use the following commands:

Export-CSCatalog -Name MySiteName -File $catalogFile
Export-CSInventory -Name MySiteName -File $inventoryFile
Export-CSOrders -Name MySiteName -File $ordersFile
Export-CSOrdersConfig -Name MySiteName -File $ordersConfigFile
Export-CSProfiles -Name MySiteName -File $profilesFile
Export-CSMarketing -Name MySiteName -File $marketingFile
Export-CSPromoCodes -Name MySiteName -File $promoCodesFile

For information about the additional properties of the export commands, use the following command:

Get-Help –detailed CmdLet-Name