Commerce Server Site CmdLets

A Commerce Server Site is a container for resources, such as catalog, orders, marketing, and profiles. All resources must belong to a site, they cannot exist independently.

To create a site, run the following command:

New-CSSite MySiteName

To remove a site, run the following command:

Remove-CSSite MySiteName

By default, the Remove-CSSite MySiteName CmdLet will not try to delete any databases that are associated with its child resources. Also, it will not try to delete an associated global resource, such as profiles. You can set it to delete those resources by adding the following parameters to the command:

Remove-CSSite -Name MySiteName -DeleteDatabases $true -DeleteGlobalResources $true

If you need to find out what Commerce Server sites have been created in your Commerce Server instance, run the following command:


For more details of any of the previous CmdLets, run the following command:

Get-Help –detailed CmdLet-Name