Control Panel

The Commerce Control Panel is the central location for configuring Sitecore Commerce settings in the Commerce Engine, business tools, and storefronts. The Control Panel has three major sections.

Commerce Engine Settings:

  • Commerce Terms: localized values of information displayed to users, for example in business tools, storefronts, and system messages.

Shared Settings:

  • Countries/Regions: countries, states, provinces, and so on.

  • Currency Settings: groupings of currencies that are supported by storefronts, such as currencies by region.

  • Fulfillment Option Types: deliver to address, pickup from store, digital delivery, split shipment, and so on.

  • Fulfillment Options: options within each Fulfillment Option Type, such as ground, air, standard, overnight, and so on.

  • Language Sets: groupings of supported languages.

  • Payment Option Types: federated, credit card, gift card, loyalty card, and so on.

  • Payment Options: options within each Payment Option Type, such as credit card providers.

Storefront Settings:

  • Configure each supported storefront, for example for each supported Commerce Environment. Configuration includes: identifying the catalog, language, currencies, fulfillment, and payment. Most of the settings are based on the options defined under Shared Settings. Both the Sitecore Commerce Engine and storefront implementation use the settings to determine what applies to the individual storefronts.

For more information, see the Commerce  to the Commerce Control Panel topic.