Edit the SCPbMD profile schema for Sitecore Integration


You can integrate the Sitecore Commerce 8.2 powered by Commerce Server and Microsoft Dynamics AX Profile System by using the Sitecore profile system.

Deploy the Integration packages.

  • Add a new profile property at your Visual Studio solution setup:

    1. Insert a new add element below the properties element of the profile section of the web.config.

    2. type is the .NET type of the property.

    3. name is the key that will be used to get or set the property value in the profile.

    4. The customProviderData value must start with ax |, or the Dynamics Profile Provider will ignore the property. After that, include the full name of the property on the CommerceCustomer profile. The rest of the value after | can be the type of your custom property.

    <profile defaultProvider="switcher" enabled= "true"
    inherits="Sitecore.Security.UserProfile, Sitecore.Kernel">
              <clear />
              <add name="sql" type="System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider"
     connectionStringName="core" applicationName="sitecore" />
              <add name="switcher"
     Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.DynamicsRetail" applicationName="sitecore"
     mappings="switchingProviders/profile" />
              <add name="ax"
     Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.DynamicsRetail" applicationName="sitecore" cacheEnabled="true"
     cacheTimeout="10" />
             <clear />
              <add type="System.String" name="SC_UserData" /> 
              <add type="System.String" name="ExternalId" customProviderData="ax|ExternalId" />
              <add type="System.String" name="FirstName" customProviderData="ax|FirstName" />
              <add type="System.String" name="LastName" customProviderData="ax|LastName" />
              <add type="System.String" name="Phone" customProviderData="ax|Phone" />
              <add type="System.String" name=" PrimaryAddress" customProviderData = " ax|PrimaryAddress "  />
              <add type="System.String" name=" LoyaltyProgram" customProviderData="ax|LoyaltyProgram|Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.DynamicsRetail.Profiles.LoyaltyProvider,
            Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.DynamicsRetail" />
              <add type="System.String" name="LoyaltyTier" customProviderData="ax|LoyaltyTier|Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.DynamicsRetail.Profiles.LoyaltyProvider,
            Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.DynamicsRetail" />
              <add type="System.String" name="LoyaltyPoints" customProviderData="ax|LoyaltyPoints|Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.DynamicsRetail.Profiles.LoyaltyProvider,
            Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.DynamicsRetail"  />