How to assign write permissions to the Catalog Authorization role
You must follow these steps before your users can access the Catalog Web service. You assign write permission for the catalog Web service account, CatalogWebSvc, that you created as explained in What are the required accounts and groups to create?. You assign write permissions so that business users can access catalogs through the Business Management applications.
To assign write permissions to the catalog authorization role
Click Start, click Run, type explorer, and then click OK.
In Windows Explorer, move to the directory where you installed the Catalog Web service. For example, <drive:>\Inetpub\wwwroot\CatalogWebService\.
In the <Catalog Web service name> folder, right-click the XML file CatalogAuthorizationStore.xml, and then click Properties.
In the CatalogAuthorizationStore.xml Properties dialog box, on the Security tab, click Add.
In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog box, in the Enter the object names to select text box, type <Domain or Computer name>\CatalogWebSvc, and then click OK. As appropriate, substitute the user name for the account you created for "CatalogWebSvc".
In the CatalogAuthorizationStore.xml Properties dialog box, in the Group or user names list, select the CatalogWebSvc account.
In the Permissions for CatalogWebSvc list, select Write in the Allow column. (Read & Execute and Read should already be selected in the Allow column.) Click OK.