
Sitecore Commerce Dynamics Integration Connect manages the API level integration with Microsoft Dynamics AX, Sitecore Commerce Server Connect manages the API level integration with Commerce Server Catalog and Merchandising Manager is a SPEAK based application for merchandisers to manage their Commerce Server Catalogs from within Sitecore.

Sitecore Commerce Dynamics Integration Connect is built on top of Commerce Connect, so it must be installed before attempting to install Commerce Connect first. The steps below assume that you have already installed and setup Microsoft Dynamics AX, Commerce Server and Sitecore. Greater step-by-step detail on the install can be found at Building a single server SCpbMD deployment.

  1. Install Commerce Connect.

    1. Download the Sitecore Commerce Connect package (Sitecore Commerce Connect 8.2.*.zip).

    2. Browse from the Sitecore Desktop to Development Tools -> Installation Wizard, and follow the wizard steps to install the package.

  2. Install Commerce Server Connect.

    1. Download the Sitecore Commerce Server Connect update package (Sitecore Commerce Server Connect 8.2.*.update).

    2. Navigate to http://<your site>/sitecore/admin/UpdateInstallationWizard.aspx, and then follow the steps in the wizard.

  3. Install Merchandising Manager (optional).

    1. Download the Sitecore Merchandising Manager update package (Sitecore Merchandising Manager 8.2.*.update).

    2. Navigate to http://<your site>/sitecore/admin/UpdateInstallationWizard.aspx, and then follow the steps in the wizard.

  4. Install Sitecore.Commerce.DynamicsIntegration.Connect.

    1. Download the Sitecore.Commerce.DynamicsIntegration.Connect update package (Sitecore.Commerce.DynamicsIntegration.Connect.8.2.*.update).

    2. Navigate to http://<your site>/sitecore/admin/UpdateInstallationWizard.aspx, and then follow the steps in the wizard.

You may need to update your Windows hosts file to ensure that the computer running TransactionService is able to access the URL returned by your Microsoft Dynamics service. Sitecore Update Packages cannot be installed through the regular Sitecore Installation wizard, and must use the Update Installation wizard.