Run PipelineΒΆ


Unlike a pipeline batch, a pipeline does not indicate whether or not it can safely be called using the remote API. Therefore it is the responsibility of the developer to understand the pipelines before attempting to use them.


When it comes time to run a pipeline, providing an example is challenging. This is not because it is difficult to run a pipeline batch. This is handled in a few line of code.

The challenging part is that before you can run a pipeline, you must create a pipeline context, and you must set values on the context that are used by the pipeline steps that make up the pipeline. It is impossible to predict what those values must be.

In order to run a pipeline using the remote API, you must understand the context requirements of the pipeline you want to run.

// Specify the settings used to make a connection.
var cxSettings = new ConnectionSettings
    Host = HOST_NAME,
    UserName = USER_NAME,
    Password = PASSWORD,
// Instantiate an object that uses the Sitecore item web API
// to read items from a Sitecore database.
var itemRepo = new WebApiItemModelRepository(DATABASE_NAME, cxSettings);
// Set the item model repository on the context so it is
// available to other framework components that need to
// use it.
Sitecore.DataExchange.Context.ItemModelRepository = itemRepo;
// Get the Sitecore item that represents the pipeline.
var pipelineItem = itemRepo.Get(Guid.Parse("YOUR PIPELINE ID"));
if (pipelineItem == null)
// Get the converter that can transform the item model
// into a pipeline object.
var converter = pipelineItem.GetConverter<Pipeline>(itemRepo);
if (converter == null)
// Convert the item model into a pipeline object.
var pipeline = converter.Convert(pipelineItem);
if (pipeline == null)
// It is the responsibility of the client application to respect the
// setting that indicates whether or not a pipeline is enabled.
if (!pipeline.Enabled)
// Get the pipeline's processor, which is the component that
// implements the logic needed to run the pipeline.
var processor = pipeline.PipelineProcessor;
if (processor == null)
// Create the context used to pass data to the pipeline,
// and for steps in the pipeline to read and write data.
// Depending on the pipeline, you may need to add plugins
// to the pipeline context in order to provide input to
// the pipeline. Consult the documentation for the
// specific pipeline for more information.
var pipelineContext = new PipelineContext(new PipelineBatchContext());
if (!processor.CanProcess(pipeline, pipelineContext))
// Run the pipeline's processor, which is how a pipeline is run.
processor.Process(pipeline, pipelineContext);
if (pipelineContext.CriticalError)