Base Process Queue

This template is the base template for any pipeline step that processes the items in a work queue using a queue processor. After the queue entries are processed, additional pipeline batches are run (if specified).


This template is a base template. It is not likely that you will ever create items based directly on this template.

Template Information

Template name Base Process Queue Pipeline Step
Base template Base Pipeline Step
Field Description
Queue Processor
The queue processor to use.
Make Processed Entries Available As Iterable Data
If checked, processed entries are made
available to subsequent pipeline steps.
Post Process Pipeline Batches
The pipeline batches to run after all of the
queue entries have been processed.

Plugin Information

Provides access to the collection of data objects that were
processed by the queue processor.

This plugin is created and added to the current pipeline context
as the queue entries are processed, provided the field
Make Processed Entries Available As Iterable Data is enabled.
This makes the processed data object available to subsequent
pipeline steps.
Provides access to the current pipeline context to the
pipeline batches specified in the Post-process pipeline batches

This pipeline step creates this plugin and adds it to the new
pipeline context that is passed to the specified pipeline