5.3. Implement Endpoint ConverterΒΆ

A converter is needed to convert a Sitecore item that represents a file system endpoint into an endpoint component for Data Exchange Framework, and that adds the endpoint settings plugin to the endpoint component.

  1. In Visual Studio, add the following class:

    using Sitecore.Services.Core.Model;
    using System;
    namespace Examples.FileSystem.Models.ItemModels.Endpoints
        public class TextFileEndpointItemModel : ItemModel
            public const string ColumnSeparator = "ColumnSeparator";
            public const string ColumnHeadersInFirstLine = "ColumnHeadersInFirstLine";
            public const string Path = "Path";


    This class defines constants for the names of the fields from the endpoint template. These field names are referenced by the converter.

    In order for the converter to be able to run inside or outside of the Sitecore server, the type Sitecore.Services.Core.Model.ItemModel is used to represent Sitecore items. Fields on this type are accessed by name.

    This stands in contrast to how field are accessed on Sitecore.Data.Items.Item. In this type, fields can be accessed by name or ID, with ID being the preferred value since it is unlikely to change.

  2. Add the following class:

    using Examples.FileSystem.Models.ItemModels.Endpoints;
    using Examples.FileSystem.Plugins;
    using Sitecore.DataExchange.Converters.Endpoints;
    using Sitecore.DataExchange.Models;
    using Sitecore.DataExchange.Repositories;
    using Sitecore.Services.Core.Model;
    using System;
    namespace Examples.FileSystem.Converters.Endpoints
        public class TextFileEndpointConverter : BaseEndpointConverter
            private static readonly Guid TemplateId = Guid.Parse("[ENDPOINT TEMPLATE ID]");
            public TextFileEndpointConverter(IItemModelRepository repository) : base(repository)
                //identify the template an item must be based
                //on in order for the converter to be able to
                //convert the item
            protected override void AddPlugins(ItemModel source, Endpoint endpoint)
                //create the plugin
                var settings = new TextFileSettings();
                //populate the plugin using values from the item
                settings.ColumnHeadersInFirstLine =
                    base.GetBoolValue(source, TextFileEndpointItemModel.ColumnHeadersInFirstLine);
                settings.ColumnSeparator =
                    base.GetStringValue(source, TextFileEndpointItemModel.ColumnSeparator);
                settings.Path =
                    base.GetStringValue(source, TextFileEndpointItemModel.Path);
                //add the plugin to the endpoint


    You must change the value of [ENDPOINT TEMPLATE ID] to match the id from the endpoint template you created named Text File Endpoint.


    By inheriting from BaseEndpointConverter you get access to a number of methods that facilitate reading values from fields on a Sitecore item.

    In addition to being able to read simple values like strings, numbers and dates, methods are available to automatically convert referenced items into the appropriate Data Exchange Framework component.

    See the API documentation for more information.