Relative Date Condition ExpressionΒΆ

A relative date condition expression is used to compare the value of an attribute to a date that is relative to a known date.

The following are examples of relative date conditions:

  • Within the last week
  • Within the next 30 days

A relative date condition expression is implemented as a dynamically generated date range condition. To use the examples above:

Description Start date End date
Within the last week Today - 7 days Today
Within the next 30 days Today Today + 30 days
Template name Relative Date Condition Expression
Base template Base Entity Attribute Value Condition Expression
Field Description
This value is used to determine the start and
end dates for the condition expression.
The integer value that is used to determine the start
and end dates for the condition expression.

When this is a negative number, a date in the past is
used. When this is a positive number, a date in the
future is used.
Unit of time
This value is used to determine the start and end
dates for the condition expression.