Pipeline BatchΒΆ

This pipeline batch represents any kind of pipeline batch.


Even though this template is a base template, it is not likely that you will need to create a new template that inherits from this base template.

Template name Pipeline Batch
Base template none
Field Description
The value accessor that is used to read the value of
an attribute from an entity.

It is important that the value accessor selected has
a field that identifies the attribute name. The
attribute name is used to build the filter for the
API call to Dynamics CRM.
Requested at
The date/time that the pipeline batch was last started.
Last run finished
The date/time that the pipeline batch last finished
Last run completed
If ticked, the last time the pipeline batch ran, it
finished (meaning no critical error occurred).

If unticked, the last time the pipeline batch ran, it
did not finish (meaning a critical error occurred
that prevented the pipeline batch from completing.
Log messages that were captured from the last time the
pipeline batch ran.

These may also appear in the Sitecore log.
Log levels
The values that are selected here determine what is
written to the Messages field.

This setting does not affect the Sitecore log settings,
and is not affected by the Sitecore log settings.
Maximum number of summary messages
The maximuim number of messages that are written to
to the Messages field. Use -1 to indicate an
an unlimited number of messages are written.

This setting does not affect the Sitecore log settings,
and is not affected by the Sitecore log settings.
Can run outside of the Sitecore process
If ticked, it indicates this pipeline batch can be run
from outside of the Sitecore server.

By detault this field is unticked. If you enable this
setting you must make sure all of the pipeline steps
included in each of the pipelines assigned to this
pipeline batch can be run in this way.
User for elevated security
A user name that is available to any pipeline step that
is run as a part of this pipeline batch.

The pipeline step may use this value however it likes.
This setting does nothing more than provide a value
that can be used, if appropriate.