Resolve CRM EntityΒΆ

This pipeline step is used to find an instance of Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Entity in a Dynamics CRM instance. The identifier value from the identifier object is used to perform the search.

Based on the pipeline step configuration, a new Entity may be created if one does not already exist.

This pipeline step is used to find an entity in Dynamics CRM by matching an attribute value.

Template name Resolve CRM Entity Pipeline Step
Base template Base Resolve Object
Field Description
Endpoint for Dynamics CRM entity repository
The Entities endpoint to read an entity from.
Entity name
Name of the entity to read from CRM.

The entity repository set assigned to the endpoint
must be configured to support the specified entity.
Entity attribute for lookup
A query is built that looks for an entity with an
attribute whose value matches the identifier value.
This field specifies which attribute on the entity
is used in the query.

The selected attribute must be defined on the entity.
If an attribute is selected that is not defined on
the entity, an exception is thrown when the pipeline
step runs.
Attributes to read
The attributes from the entities that are read from

Attributes are specified by selecting one or more
Entity Attributes value accessor set items.

The selected attributes must be defined on the
entity. If an attribute is selected that is not
defined on the entity, an exception is thrown when
the pipeline step runs.
Exclude active filter
By default, a filter is added to the CRM query that
ensures only active entities are returned.

Ticking this option disables that filter, meaning
that inactive entities may be read.

You must use this setting when Active is not a
valid state code for the specified entity.