8. Add Pipelines to Read CRM Entities¶
A pipeline is needed to read accounts from CRM and to pass each account to the pipeline configured in Add Pipelines to Handle CRM Entity.
- Navigate to your tenanr.
- Navigate to Pipelines > CRM Account Pipelines.
- Add the following item:
Template Pipeline Name Read CRM Accounts Pipeline
- Navigate to Read CRM Accounts Pipeline.
- Add the following item:
Template Read CRM Entities Pipeline Step Name Read CRM Accounts
- Set the following field value:
Field Endpoint From Value Dynamics CRM > Dynamics CRM Entity Endpoint
- Set the following field value:
Field Entity Name Value account
- Set the following field value:
Field Attributes to Read Value Common CRM Entity Attributes, CRM Account Attributes
- Save the item.
- Navigate to Read CRM Accounts Pipeline.
- Add the following item:
Template Iterate Data and Run Pipelines Name Iterate CRM Accounts and Run Pipelines
- Set the following field value:
Field Pipelines Value CRM Account to Sitecore Account Sync Pipeline
- Save the item.
- Navigate to Read CRM Accounts Pipeline.
- Reorder the child items so they are in the following order:
- Read CRM Accounts
- Iterate CRM Accounts and Run Pipelines