Add Entity Repository Set

An entity repository set is the component that controls the interactions with the CRM. You must create a new entity repository set in order to read data from, and write data to, the CRM.

The entity repository set is the object that uses the connection string described in Add CRM Connection String.

  1. Navigate to your tenant.

  2. Navigate to Tenant Settings > Dynamics CRM > Repository Sets.

  3. Add the following item:

    Template XRM Client Entity Repository Set
    Name mycrm


    It is recommended that the name describe your CRM server.

  4. In the field Connection string name, enter the connection string name for the Dynamics CRM server.

  5. Save the item.


Use the button Test Connection to test the connection. A message will indicate whether or not a connection could be made.


If an error message is displayed, the Sitecore log may contain a more detailed description of the problem.