Read Inactive CRM Campaigns

By default, only active campaigns are read from Dynamics CRM. In order to include inactive campaigns, you must do the following:

  1. In Content Editor, navigate to your tenant.
  2. Navigate to Pipelines > CRM Campaign Pipelines.
  3. Navigate to Read CRM Campaigns Pipeline > Read CRM Campaigns.
  4. In the field Exclude active filter, tick the box.
  5. Save the item.

This setting will take affect the next time the synchronization process runs.


If you run the synchronization process with this option enabled, Sitecore campaigns will be created for inactive CRM campaigns. There is no disabled property on Sitecore campaigns, so you will not be able to distinguish CRM campaigns that are active from CRM campaigns that are inactive.


This setting will affect the CRM campaigns are read in the future. CRM campaigns that have already been synchronized will not be removed from Sitecore.