Default Value Mappings

In CRM, a marketing list consists of two things: the marketing list itself, and the list of members of the marketing list. Both of these things are represented in Sitecore.

Marketing List

By default, the marketing list synchronization process maps the following values from the CRM marketing list to the Sitecore item.

These mappings are defined in the value mapping set named CRM List to Sitecore Item.


The following template is used to represent CRM marketing lists in Sitecore:

Templates > Data Exchange > Providers > Sitecore > Entities > External Marketing List

CRM Marketing List Sitecore Field Description
listid MarketingListId Unique identifier in CRM
listname MarketingListName Marketing list name

Marketing List Membership

By default, the marketing list synchronization process maps the following values from the CRM marketing list to the xDB contacts that are members of the marketing list.

These mappings are defined in the value mapping set named CRM List Membership to xDB Contact.

CRM Marketing List xDB Contact Facet Facet Property Description
listid DynamicsCrm MarketingLists Unique identifier in CRM