
This synchronization process is defined in the pipeline batch Salesforce Campaigns Sync Pipeline Batch.

The campaign synchronization process involves the following steps:

  1. Read campaigns from Salesforce.
  2. Loop through the campaigns from Salesforce. For each campaign:
    1. Get the Sitecore campaign that corresponds to the Salesforce campaign if one exists, otherwise create a new Sitecore campaign.
    2. Get the entry from the work queue that corresponds to the Sitecore campaign if one exists, otherwise create a new work queue entry.
    3. Apply value mappings by reading values from the Salesforce campaign and writing those values to the work queue entry.
  1. Get the Sitecore campaign category that corresponds to the tenant if one exists, otherwise create a new Sitecore campaign category.
  2. Read campaigns from work queue.
  3. Loop through the campaigns from the work queue. For each campaign:
    1. Save the Sitecore campaign.


Campaigns are not automatically deployed. You must manually deploy campaigns before they can be used in Sitecore.