
This synchronization process is defined in the pipeline batch Full Salesforce Contacts to xDB Sync Pipeline Batch.

This pipeline batch synchronizes the same data as the Salesforce Contact Synchronization and Salesforce Campaign Members Synchronization, only it does this as a single synchronization process.

Pipeline batch Contact sync Campaign members sync
Salesforce Contacts Sync yes no
Salesforce Campaign Members Sync no yes
Full Salesforce Contacts Sync yes yes

Both Salesforce Contact Synchronization and Salesforce Campaign Members Synchronization update xDB Contacts. Both of these processes update contacts work by storing the updated contacts in a work queue, and only updating xDB after all of the contacts are read. This reduces the number of times you have to explicitly write to xDB, which may improve performance.

The full contact synchronization process uses this same approach. It only updates xDB after the contacts are synchronized, and the marketing lists are synchronized. Again, the benefit is that, in general, the fewer times you have to write to xDB, the better the performance on your Sitecore servers.


This pipeline batch uses the same pipelines as the Salesforce Contact Synchronization and Salesforce Campaign Members Synchronization. Any changes made to those pipelines will affect the other pipeline batches that use the same pipelines.