* Facet facet result filter component functionality
* @module facetResultsFilter
* @param {jQuery} $ Instance of jQuery
* @param {Document} document dom document object
* @return {Object} list of methods for working with component facet result filter
XA.component.search.facet.resultsfilter = (function ($, document) {
* This object stores all public api methods
* @type {Object.<Methods>}
* @memberOf module:facetResultsFilter
var api = {},
initialized = false;
* @name module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterModel
* @constructor
* @augments Backbone.Model
var FacetResultsFilterModel = XA.component.search.baseModel.extend(
/** @lends module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterModel.prototype **/
* Default model options
* @default
defaults: {
template: "<div class='facet-search-filter <% if(!showAllFacets){%>facet-hided<%}%>'><% " +
"_.forEach(facet.Values, function(value,key){" +
"%><p class='facet-value <% if(highlightBehaviour<=key){ %> hide-facet-value <% } %>' data-facetValue='<%= value.Name !== '' ? encodeURI(value.Name) : '_empty_' %>'>" +
"<span><%= value.Name !== '' ? value.Name : emptyText %> " +
"<span class='facet-count'>(<%= value.Count %>)</span>" +
"</span>" +
"</p><%" +
" }); %>" +
"<% if(highlightBehaviour>=1){ %>" +
"<div class='toogle-facet-visibility'><% if(showAllFacets){ %><%=showLessText%><%}else{%><%=showMoreText%><%} %></div>" +
"<%}%>" +
templateMulti: "<div class='facet-search-filter <% if(!showAllFacets){%>facet-hided<%}%>'><% " +
"_.forEach(facet.Values, function(value,key){" +
"%><p class='facet-value <% if(highlightBehaviour<=key){ %> hide-facet-value <% } %>' data-facetValue='<%= value.Name !== '' ? encodeURI(value.Name) : '_empty_' %>'>" +
"<input type='checkbox' name='facetValue' />" +
"<label for='facetName'><%= value.Name !== '' ? value.Name : emptyText %> " +
"<span class='facet-count' data-facetCount='<%= value.Count %>'>(<%= value.Count %>)</span>" +
"</label>" +
"</p><%" +
" }); %>" +
"<% if(highlightBehaviour>=1){ %>" +
"<div class='toogle-facet-visibility'><% if(showAllFacets){ %><%=showLessText%><%}else{%><%=showMoreText%><%} %></div>" +
"<%}%>" +
dataProperties: {},
blockNextRequest: false,
resultData: {},
timeStamp: '',
showAllFacets: false,
sig: []
* Listens to changes on facets and hash
* @listens module:XA.component.search.vent~event:facet-data-loaded
* @listens module:XA.component.search.vent~event:facet-data-filtered
* @listens module:XA.component.search.vent~event:facet-data-partial-filtered
* @listens module:XA.component.search.vent~event:hashChanged
initialize: function () {
//event to get data at the begining or in case that there are no hash parameters in the url - one request for all controls
XA.component.search.vent.on("facet-data-loaded", this.processData.bind(this));
//if in the url hash we have this control facet name (someone clicked this control) then we have to listen for partial filtering
XA.component.search.vent.on("facet-data-partial-filtered", this.processData.bind(this));
//in case that we are not filtering by this control (not clicked)
XA.component.search.vent.on("facet-data-filtered", this.processData.bind(this));
//event after change of hash
XA.component.search.vent.on("hashChanged", this.updateComponent.bind(this));
this.set({ facetArray: [] });
* Toggles value of blockNextRequest variable
* @memberof module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterModel
* @alias module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterModel#toggleBlockRequests
toggleBlockRequests: function () {
var state = this.get("blockNextRequest");
this.set(this.get("blockNextRequest"), !state);
* Processes data that comes as parameter update
* model and sort facets
* @param {Object} data Data from server with facet values
* @memberof module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterModel
* @alias module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterModel#processData
processData: function (data) {
var inst = this,
dataProperties = this.get('dataProperties'),
sig = dataProperties.searchResultsSignature.split(','),
sortOrder = dataProperties.sortOrder,
if (data.Signature === null) {
data.Signature = "";
for (i = 0; i < sig.length; i++) {
if (data.Facets.length > 0 && (data.Signature === sig[i])) {
var facedData = _.find(data.Facets, function (f) {
return f.Key.toLowerCase() === inst.get('dataProperties').f.toLowerCase();
if (facedData !== undefined) {
this.sortFacetArray(sortOrder, facedData.Values);
inst.set({ resultData: facedData });
* Updates model value 'facetArray' with values from valuesString parameter
* @param {String} valuesString facet values separated by coma
* @memberof module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterModel
* @alias module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterModel#updateFacetArray
updateFacetArray: function (valuesString) {
if (valuesString) {
var values = valuesString.split(','),
array = this.get('facetArray');
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
this.set({ facetArray: _.unique(array) });
* Sets option selected value to model based on hash
* @param {Object} hash Hash stored as an object
* @memberof module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterModel
* @alias module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterModel#updateComponent
updateComponent: function (hash) {
var sig = this.get("sig");
for (i = 0; i < sig.length; i++) {
if (!hash.hasOwnProperty(sig[i])) {
this.set({ facetArray: [] });
} else {
//in some cases change of facetArray doesn't trigger model change event (why?) and view isn't updates
//and because of that timeStamp is updated which properly triggers model change event
this.set("timeStamp", (new Date()).getTime());
* @name module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterView
* @constructor
* @augments Backbone.View
var FacetResultsFilterView = XA.component.search.baseView.extend(
/** @lends module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterView.prototype **/
* Initially sets data to model and watches events on which
* view should be updated
* @listens module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterModel~event:change
* @memberof module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterView
* @alias module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterView#initialize
initialize: function () {
var dataProperties = this.$el.data(),
hash = queryModel.parseHashParameters(window.location.hash),
properties = dataProperties.properties,
if (dataProperties.properties.searchResultsSignature === null) {
dataProperties.properties.searchResultsSignature = "";
signatures = this.translateSignatures(properties.searchResultsSignature, properties.f);
this.model.set({ dataProperties: properties });
this.model.set("sig", signatures);
for (i = 0; i < signatures.length; i++) {
if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(_.pick(hash, signatures[i]))) {
var values = _.values(_.pick(hash, signatures[i]))[0];
this.model.on("change", this.render, this);
* list of events for Backbone View
* @memberof module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterView
* @alias module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterView#events
events: {
'click .facet-value': 'updateFacet',
'click .filterButton': 'updateFacet',
'click .clear-filter': 'removeFacet',
'click .bottom-remove-filter > button': 'removeFacet',
'click .toogle-facet-visibility': 'toogleFacetVisibility'
toogleFacetVisibility: function () {
var showFacets = this.model.get('showAllFacets');
this.model.set('showAllFacets', !showFacets);
* Updates model 'facetArray' based on params
* @param {Event} param Event object with current target
* @memberof module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterView
* @alias module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterView#updateFacet
updateFacet: function (param) {
var currentFacet = $(param.currentTarget),
facetArray = this.model.get('facetArray'),
properties = this.model.get('dataProperties'),
facetClose = this.$el.find('.facet-heading > span'),
facetGroup = currentFacet.parents('.component-content').find('.facet-search-filter'),
facetName = properties.f.toLowerCase(),
facetDataValue = currentFacet.data('facetvalue'),
facetValue = typeof facetDataValue !== "undefined" ? decodeURIComponent(facetDataValue) : facetDataValue,
sig = this.model.get('sig'),
hash = {},
if (properties.multi) {
if (facetValue) {
if (currentFacet.is(':not(.active-facet)')) {
this.setActiveFacet(facetName, facetValue);
} else {
currentFacet.find('[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', false);
currentFacet.find('[type=checkbox] + label:after').css({ 'background': '#fff' });
index = facetArray.indexOf(facetValue);
if (index > -1) {
facetArray.splice(index, 1);
if (facetArray.length == 0) {
this.model.set({ facetArray: facetArray });
//is there any better way to check what action start method?
if (currentFacet[0].type == "button") {
for (i = 0; i < sig.length; i++) {
hash[sig[i]] = _.uniq(facetArray, function (item) {
return JSON.stringify(item);
} else {
if (facetValue) {
for (i = 0; i < sig.length; i++) {
hash[sig[i]] = facetValue;
facetGroup.data('active-facet', hash);
this.setActiveFacet(facetName, facetValue);
* Sets default values for Search Result Filter and updates hash accordingly
* @param {Event} evt Event object
* @memberof module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterView
* @alias module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterView#removeFacet
removeFacet: function (evt) {
var facets = this.$el,
facetClose = facets.find('.facet-heading > span'),
facetValues = facets.find('.facet-value'),
sig = this.model.get('sig');
queryModel.updateHash(this.updateSignaturesHash(sig, "", {}));
_.each(facetValues, function (single) {
var $single = $(single);
if ($single.hasClass('active-facet')) {
$single.find('[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', false);
$single.find('[type=checkbox] + label:after').css({ 'background': '#fff' });
this.model.set({ facetArray: [] });
* Renders view
* @memberof module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterView
* @alias module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterView#render
render: function () {
var inst = this,
resultData = this.model.get("resultData"),
facetClose = this.$el.find('.facet-heading > span'),
facetNames = this.model.get('dataProperties').f.split('|'),
emptyValueText = this.model.get('dataProperties').emptyValueText,
highlightThreshold = this.model.get('dataProperties').highlightThreshold,
showLessText = this.model.get('dataProperties').showLessText,
showMoreText = this.model.get('dataProperties').showMoreText,
highlightBehaviour = parseInt(this.model.get('dataProperties').highlightBehaviour),
showAllFacets = this.model.get('showAllFacets'),
hash = queryModel.parseHashParameters(window.location.hash),
sig = this.model.get('sig'),
template, facetName, templateResult;
//checks if page is opened from disc - if yes then we are in Creative Exchange mode
if (window.location.href.startsWith("file://")) {
this.manageVisibilityByData(this.$el, resultData)
if (resultData !== undefined) {
if (inst.model.get('dataProperties').multi === true) {
template = _.template(inst.model.get("templateMulti"));
} else {
template = _.template(inst.model.get("template"));
templateResult = template({
facet: resultData, emptyText: emptyValueText, showLessText: showLessText,
showMoreText: showMoreText, highlightBehaviour: highlightBehaviour, showAllFacets: showAllFacets
//checks url hash for facets and runs setActiveFacet method for each facet filter
_.each(facetNames, function (val) {
facetName = val.toLowerCase();
for (var i = 0; i < sig.length; i++) {
if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(_.pick(hash, sig))) {
var values = _.values(_.pick(hash, sig))[0];
if (values) {
inst.setActiveFacet(facetName, values);
//If this rendering is supporting multiple signatures, we will mark active facet once.
//highlights facets count greater than chosen threshold
if (highlightThreshold) {
//if no facet is selected, remove previously highlighted cross icon (while back button)
if (this.model.get("facetArray").length === 0) {
} else {
* Manages search result filter active state
* @param {String} facetGroupName facet name
* @param {String} facetValueName facet value
* @memberof module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterView
* @alias module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterView#setActiveFacet
setActiveFacet: function (facetGroupName, facetValueName) {
var properties = this.model.get('dataProperties'),
facetChildren = this.$el.find('p[data-facetvalue]'),
facetClose = this.$el.find('.facet-heading > span'),
inst = this,
facetValueName = facetValueName.toString().toLowerCase();
facetValue = this.$el.find("[data-facetvalue]").filter(function () {
return decodeURIComponent($(this).attr("data-facetvalue").toLowerCase()) === facetValueName;
if (typeof (facetValueName) !== "undefined" && facetValueName !== null) {
values = facetValueName.split(',');
} else {
if (values.length > 1) {
properties.multi = true;
if (properties.multi) {
//multi selection facet search results
_.each(facetChildren, function (val) {
if (values.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0, l = values.length; i < l; i++) {
facetValue = inst.$el.find("[data-facetvalue]").filter(function () {
return decodeURIComponent($(this).attr('data-facetvalue').toLowerCase()) === values[i];
if (val === facetValue[0]) {
$(val).find('[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', true);
if (val === facetValue[0]) {
$(val).find('[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', true);
} else {
//single selection facet search results filter allows only one facet type to be selected
_.each(facetChildren, function (val) {
if (val !== facetValue[0]) {
$(val).find('[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', false);
$(val).find('[type=checkbox] + label:after').css({ 'background': '#fff' });
} else {
//adds active class to group close button
* Manages search result filter highlight of threshold
* @param {Number} highlightThreshold value of threshold highlight
* @memberof module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterView
* @alias module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterView#handleThreshold
handleThreshold: function (highlightThreshold) {
var facets = this.$el.find('.facet-search-filter').children('p');
_.each(facets, function (single) {
var $facet = $(single),
$facetCount = $facet.find('.facet-count'),
facetCount = $facetCount.data('facetcount');
if (facetCount > highlightThreshold) {
* For each search result component on a page creates instance of
* ["FacetResultsFilterModel"]{@link module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterModel} and
* ["FacetResultsFilterView"]{@link module:facetResultsFilter.FacetResultsFilterView}
* @memberOf module:facetResultsFilter
* @alias module:facetResultsFilter.init
api.init = function () {
if ($("body").hasClass("on-page-editor") || initialized) {
queryModel = XA.component.search.query;
apiModel = XA.component.search.ajax;
urlHelperModel = XA.component.search.url;
var facetResultsFilterList = $(".facet-single-selection-list");
_.each(facetResultsFilterList, function (elem) {
var model = new FacetResultsFilterModel(),
view = new FacetResultsFilterView({ el: $(elem), model: model });
initialized = true;
* Returns information about facet component
* @memberOf module:facetResultsFilter
* @alias module:facetResultsFilter.getFacetDataRequestInfo
* @returns {Array<FacetDataRequestInfo>} facet data needed for request
api.getFacetDataRequestInfo = function () {
var facetList = $(".facet-single-selection-list"),
result = [];
_.each(facetList, function (elem) {
var properties = $(elem).data().properties,
signatures = properties.searchResultsSignature.split(','),
for (i = 0; i < signatures.length; i++) {
signature: signatures[i] === null ? "" : signatures[i],
facetName: properties.f,
endpoint: properties.endpoint,
showMoreText: properties.showMoreText,
showLessText: properties.showLessText,
highlightBehaviour: properties.highlightBehaviour,
s: properties.s,
filterWithoutMe: !properties.collapseOnSelection
return result;
return api;
}(jQuery, document));
XA.register('facetResultsFilter', XA.component.search.facet.resultsfilter);