* Search result component functionality
* @module searchResults
* @param {jQuery} $ Instance of jQuery
* @param {Document} document dom document object
* @return {Object} list of methods for working with component search result
XA.component.search.results = (function ($, document) {
"use strict";
* This object stores all public api methods
* @type {Object.<Methods>}
* @memberOf module:searchResults
var api = {},
searchResultViews = [],
searchResultModels = [],
initialized = false;
* @name module:searchResults.SearchResultModel
* @constructor
* @augments Backbone.Model
var SearchResultModel = Backbone.Model.extend(
/** @lends module:searchResults.SearchResultModel.prototype **/
defaults: {
template: "<% if(!results.length){ %><div class='no-results'><%= noResultsText %></div> <% }else { %>" +
"<ul class='search-result-list'> " +
"<% _.forEach(results, function(result){ %>" +
"<li " + "<% if(result.Geospatial){%>data-id='<%= result.Id %>' data-longitude='<%= result.Geospatial.Longitude %>' data-latitude='<%= result.Geospatial.Latitude %>'<% } %>" + "><%= result.Html %></li>" +
"<% }); %>" +
"</ul>" +
"<% } %>" +
"<div class='search-result-overlay'>",
templateItems: "<% _.forEach(results, function(result){ %>" +
"<li " + "<% if(result.Geospatial){%>data-id='<%= result.Id %>' data-longitude='<%= result.Geospatial.Longitude %>' data-latitude='<%= result.Geospatial.Latitude %>'<% } %>" + "><%= result.Html %></li>" +
"<% }); %>",
dataProperties: {},
blockNextRequest: false,
noResultsText: "",
resultData: {},
loadingInProgress: false,
loadingMoreInProgress: false,
resultDataMore: {},
loadMoreOffset: 0,
loadMore: false
* Listens for changes on data from server
* @listens module:XA.component.search.vent~event:facet-data-loaded
* @listens module:XA.component.search.vent~event:results-loading
initialize: function () {
var hashObj = queryModel.parseHashParameters(window.location.hash),
signature = encodeURIComponent(this.get("dataProperties").sig),
offsetKey = "e_" + signature;
//If there is "e" in hash object, then one of page selectors on the page is global (not assigned to any of the
//search results - in such case it will paginate all search results without signature
if (hashObj.hasOwnProperty("e") && signature === '') {
this.set("loadMoreOffset", parseInt(hashObj.e));
//checks if there is page selector assigned to this specific search results
if (hashObj.hasOwnProperty(offsetKey)) {
this.set("loadMoreOffset", parseInt(hashObj[offsetKey]));
XA.component.search.vent.on("results-loaded", this.resultsLoaded.bind(this));
XA.component.search.vent.on('results-loading', this.resultsLoading.bind(this));
* Sets value of blockNextRequest variable
* @param {String} value new value of blockNextRequest variable
* @memberof module:searchResults.SearchResultModel
* @alias module:searchResults.SearchResultModel#blockRequests
blockRequests: function (value) {
this.set("blockNextRequest", value);
* Returns value of blockNextRequest variable
* @memberof module:searchResults.SearchResultModel
* @alias module:searchResults.SearchResultModel#checkBlockingRequest
* @returns {String} value of blockNextRequest variable
checkBlockingRequest: function () {
return this.get("blockNextRequest");
* Returns value of component offset from hash parameters
* @memberof module:searchResults.SearchResultModel
* @alias module:searchResults.SearchResultModel#getMyOffset
* @returns {String|0} value of offset
getMyOffset: function () {
var hash = queryModel.parseHashParameters(window.location.hash),
signature = encodeURIComponent(this.get("dataProperties").sig);
if (hash.hasOwnProperty("e_" + signature)) {
return hash["e_" + signature];
return 0;
* Updates model with new data from resultData parameter
* @param {Object} resultsData new component data
* @memberof module:searchResults.SearchResultModel
* @alias module:searchResults.SearchResultModel#resultsLoaded
resultsLoaded: function (resultsData) {
var signature = encodeURIComponent(this.get("dataProperties").sig);
if (signature === resultsData.searchResultsSignature) {
if (this.get("loadMore")) {
this.set({ resultDataMore: resultsData });
this.set({ loadingMoreInProgress: false });
this.unset("loadMore", { silent: true });
} else {
this.set({ resultData: resultsData });
this.set({ loadingInProgress: false });
* Manages loadingMoreInProgress model variable
* @param {Object} cid component id
* @memberof module:searchResults.SearchResultModel
* @alias module:searchResults.SearchResultModel#resultsLoading
resultsLoading: function (cid) {
if (this.cid == cid) {
if (this.get("loadMore")) {
this.set({ loadingMoreInProgress: true });
} else {
this.set({ loadingInProgress: true });
* @name module:searchResults.SearchResultView
* @constructor
* @augments Backbone.View
var SearchResultView = Backbone.View.extend(
/** @lends module:searchResults.SearchResultView.prototype **/
* Initially sets data to model and watches events on which
* view should be updated
* @listens module:searchResults.SearchResultModel~event:change:loadingInProgress
* @listens module:searchResults.SearchResultModel~event:change:loadingMoreInProgress
* @listens module:searchResults.SearchResultModel~event:change:resultData
* @listens module:searchResults.SearchResultModel~event:change:resultDataMore
* @listens module:XA.component.search.vent~event:add-variant-class
* @listens module:XA.component.search.vent~event:loadMore
* @listens module:XA.component.search.vent~event:my-location-coordinates-changed
* @memberof module:searchResults.SearchResultView
* @alias module:searchResults.SearchResultView#initialize
initialize: function () {
var dataProperties = this.$el.data(),
noResultsText = this.$el.find(".no-results").html(),
maxHeight = 0,
inst = this;
if (dataProperties.properties.sig === null) {
dataProperties.properties.sig = "";
if (this.model) {
this.model.set({ dataProperties: dataProperties.properties, noResultsText: noResultsText });
this.model.on("change:loadingInProgress", this.loading, this);
this.model.on("change:loadingMoreInProgress", this.loadingMore, this);
this.model.on("change:resultData", this.render, this);
this.model.on("change:resultDataMore", this.renderPart, this);
XA.component.search.vent.on("add-variant-class", function (data) {
var signature = inst.model.get("dataProperties").sig;
if (data.sig === signature) {
inst.$el.attr("data-class-variant", data.classes);
XA.component.search.vent.on("loadMore", function (data) {
var signature = inst.model.get("dataProperties").sig;
if (data.sig === signature) {
loadMore: "true",
p: inst.model.get("dataProperties").p,
singleRequestMode: signature
XA.component.search.vent.on("my-location-coordinates-changed", function (data) {
if (data.sig === inst.model.get("dataProperties").sig && inst.model.get("loadMore")) {
* list of events for Backbone View
* @memberof module:searchResults.SearchResultView
* @alias module:searchResults.SearchResultView#events
events: {
'click .search-result-list > li[data-longitude][data-latitude]': "poiClick"
* Manage 'loading-in-progress' css class
* @memberof module:searchResults.SearchResultView
* @alias module:searchResults.SearchResultView#loading
loading: function () {
if (this.model.get("loadingInProgress")) {
} else {
* Manage 'loading-more-in-progress' css class
* @memberof module:searchResults.SearchResultView
* @alias module:searchResults.SearchResultView#loadingMore
loadingMore: function () {
if (this.model.get("loadingMoreInProgress")) {
} else {
* Renders search result list
* @memberof module:searchResults.SearchResultView
* @alias module:searchResults.SearchResultView#renderPart
renderPart: function () {
var template = _.template(this.model.get("templateItems"));
var templateResult = template({ results: this.model.get("resultDataMore").data });
* Renders view
* @memberof module:searchResults.SearchResultView
* @alias module:searchResults.SearchResultView#render
render: function () {
var inst = this,
maxHeight = 0,
results = inst.model.get("resultData").data;
//checks if page is opened from disc - if yes then we are in Creative Exchange mode
if (window.location.href.startsWith("file://")) {
if (typeof results === "undefined") {
results = [];
var template = _.template(inst.model.get("template"));
var templateResult = template({ results: results, noResultsText: inst.model.get("noResultsText") });
* Renders view
* @param {Event} e Event object that contains target poi elment
* @fires XA.component.search.vent#center-map
* @memberof module:searchResults.SearchResultView
* @alias module:searchResults.SearchResultView#poiClick
poiClick: function (e) {
var li = $(e.currentTarget);
XA.component.search.vent.trigger("center-map", {
sig: this.model.get("dataProperties").sig,
coordinates: [li.data('latitude'), li.data('longitude')],
id: li.data('id')
* For each search result component on a page creates instance of
* ["SearchResultModel"]{@link module:searchResults.SearchResultModel} and
* ["SearchResultView"]{@link module:searchResults.SearchResultView}
* @memberOf module:searchResults
* @alias module:searchResults.init
api.init = function () {
if ($("body").hasClass("on-page-editor") || initialized) {
urlHelperModel = XA.component.search.url;
queryModel = XA.component.search.query;
apiModel = XA.component.search.ajax;
var searchResults = $(".search-results");
_.each(searchResults, function (elem) {
var resultsModel = new SearchResultModel();
searchResultViews.push(new SearchResultView({ el: $(elem), model: resultsModel }));
initialized = true;
*Extends API methods with searchResultModels
* @alias module:searchResults.searchResultViews
api.searchResultViews = searchResultViews;
* Extends API methods with searchResultModels
* @memberOf module:searchResults
* @alias module:searchResults.searchResultModels
api.searchResultModels = searchResultModels;
return api;
}(jQuery, document));
XA.register('searchResults', XA.component.search.results);