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Valid for Sitecore 6.0, 6.1, 6.2
Release Notes (Sitecore CMS 6.0-6.2)

This section contains information about the latest release of the module such as release history, changes made to the current version and the list of known issues.

1.  Release History

March 21, 2011

Staging module v5.4.0 rev.110128 for Sitecore CMS 6 is released.

Sitecore versions: tested with Sitecore CMS 6.2.0 rev.100507.

Issues resolved:

November 18, 2009

Staging module v5.4.0 rev.091111 for Sitecore CMS 6 is released.

Sitecore versions: tested with Sitecore 6.0.1 rev.090317 and Sitecore 6.1.0 rev.090821.

New Features:

Issues resolved:

July 9, 2008

Staging module v5.4.0 rev.080625 for Sitecore CMS 6 is released.

Sitecore versions: tested with Sitecore CMS 6.0.

2.  Known Issues

The following known issues has been reported so far:

  1. Reference number: 339273
    Additional publishing is required if upload operation fails due to insufficient file system permissions on Master server.
    If a work file for an upload operation cannot be created after publishing (for example due to the lack of file system permission on Master server), it will not be automatically created after the required permissions are granted. The work file will not be created until the next publishing operation.
  2. Reference number: 326296.
    The following exception appears in the Sitecore logs when the Staging hook is implemented in the <hooks> section of the web.config:
    17676 14:49:58 ERROR Error loading hook: <hook type="Sitecore.Modules.Staging.InitializeEngines, Staging.Kernel" />
    Exception: System.NullReferenceException
    Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    Source: Staging.Kernel
    at Sitecore.Modules.Staging.StagingServer..ctor(Item item)
    at Sitecore.Modules.Staging.InitializeEngines.Initialize()
    at Sitecore.Events.Hooks.HookManager.LoadHook(XmlNode node)
    at Sitecore.Events.Hooks.HookManager.LoadAll()
    1. Copy the attached Sitecore.Support.326296.dll file into the /bin folder.
    2. Replace the existing Staging hook implementation with the following:
    <hook type="Sitecore.Support.Modules.Staging.InitializeEngines, Sitecore.Support.326296" />
  3. All transferred files appear in the UPPER case. This is done in order to support the Danish letters Æ, Ø and Å.
  4. The Staging Module tries to recreate existing folders on slave server during uploading in FTP mode.
    You can notice the “service tries to create an existent folder” errors in the IIS or Windows logs (550 is FTP error code, 183 is Windows error code). This is caused by limitation of the FTP client and is just a report; the operation doesn’t perform any harmful actions.
  5. The Sitecore may consider the status.xml file an XML control.
    It is possible that Sitecore tries to verify whether the Staging status.xml file is an XML control. Under certain circumstances, this file may be locked and Sitecore may show an error message in the browser or log file. To fix this, reconfigure the “/sitecore modules” control source in the controlSources section of the web.config file according to your solution. It should not include the “/sitecore modules/staging” folder.