Create and configure a new Path Analyzer map
The Path Analyzer is an application that allows you to view the various paths that contacts take as they navigate through your websites. You can see the paths that contacts take when they convert goals and interact with campaigns, giving you an insight into which paths provide the best engagement value per conversion, and which paths are less efficient and could use optimization.
You can create new Path Analyzer maps to track the paths that contacts have followed from specific channels or campaigns, or to particular goals or events. You can also configure the Path Analyzer to track different kinds of visits to your website. This information can help you see precisely how contacts navigate through your website.
You can also gain insight into which paths to certain experiences provide the highest engagement value level, and which paths could be optimized.
Optimization recommendations can help you refine your marketing strategy and how you present content to your contacts, enabling you to convey your content in a more meaningful way.
You create and configure new Path Analyzer maps in the Marketing Control Panel.
In the content tree, in the Marketing Control Panel, expand the Path Analyzer node.
Expand the Maps node, then click Default Maps. Expand the Global Maps node, then select one of the following seven categories to create a new Path Analyzer map.
Page maps
Page maps are built from sequences of page visits within a given interaction. There are a few subtypes for Page maps available by default, and they let you create a page map focused on a particular interaction attribute.
Goal maps
Goal maps are maps configured around converting a specific goal. This is convenient for users who want to see maps of interactions leading to the selected goal. Goal maps disregard pages that were visited after a particular goal was reached.
Asset maps
A map configured to show the paths that contacts take to download or interact with a particular digital asset, such as a PDF file or video. An asset map disregards pages that were visited after a particular asset was downloaded.
Campaign maps
A map that shows path experiences for contacts coming from a specific campaign.
Channel maps
Channel maps let you create a page map for all interactions from a particular channel.
Experience maps
Experience maps can include other interaction attributes, such as channels, campaigns, goals, events and outcomes. They also let you focus on more high level path analysis than the more detailed page maps.
Outcome maps
Outcome maps let you create a page map leading to a particular outcome.
After you have selected a category, on the Home tab, in the Insert group, add a new path map, for example, Goal map. In the Message dialog box, enter a name for the map, then click OK.
In the right pane, on the Content tab, in the Options section, click the Target Goal/Asset/Campaign/Outcome/Channel field. This opens up a content tree directory. Click the item you want to associate with this map.
Not all maps have the Option section available to associate an item with a map.
On the Content tab, in the Scope section, click Edit Rule to open the Rule Set Editor. In the Rule Set Editor dialog box, select the rule you want to associate with your experience map. Once you have configured the actions and conditions for the rule, click OK. In this example, the Facebook Like goal is being associated with the new map.
To deploy the new map, on the Review tab, in the Workflow group, click Deploy and then click Save.
You deploy new maps using a workflow process. Once you have deployed a new map, it enters a system queue within the xDB. The system processes new maps once every 24 hours, so if you have multiple new maps, you should deploy them simultaneously using the Deploy action within the Workbox. Please consult your Sitecore System Administrator if you do not see the data for your new maps after 24 hours.