Review an item in the Workbox


The Workbox is a tool for reviewing and managing items that are in a workflow.

The Workbox is a tool for reviewing and managing items that are in a workflow. When you need to review your items, use the Workbox to see all the items that are currently in workflows and the workflow states that they are in.

To review an item in the Workbox:

  1. Log in to the Sitecore, and on the Launchpad, click Workbox.

  2. In the Workbox, in the Workflows group, select one or more of the workflows that you want to view to see all the relevant workflow states and the items that are in each state.

  3. For each item in a workflow state, click one of the following options:

    • Preview, to preview the version of a content item that is in a workflow state. This opens the specific version of the item in a new browser window.

    • Open, to open the item in the Content Editor.

    • Diff, to compare the differences between two versions of the same item. In the Compare Versions dialog box, select the two versions that you want to compare and whether to compare them in one field or side by side in two columns.

  4. When you have finished reviewing the item, you can apply one of the workflow commands that have been defined for the workflow state. For example, in the Awaiting Approval workflow state, you can approve or reject the item and thereby move it to the next appropriate workflow state.