The search operations


Use the Search operations to perform actions on the search results directly from the Search tab.

When you search for items from the Content Editor or from the Experience Editor, you can use the search operations to perform actions on the search results. Directly from the Search window, you can perform the operations as described in the following table.

Search operation


Add tag

Tag all the items in the search results with the same tag. To add tags to the items in the search result, click Add tag and the Insert Item dialog box opens. Find the tag you want to add to items in the search result, either from the Items option, where you can navigate to the tag in the content tree, or from the Search option, where you can use the search interface to find the tag.

Search and replace

Replace a specific word in all the search result items with another word. When you click Search and replace and replace a dialog box appears. Enter the word you would like to replace, then enter a pipe ‘|’ followed by the word you want to insert instead. For example, to replace the words ‘Office Core’ with ‘Sitecore’, enter Office Core|Sitecore in the text field.


The search and replace functionality is case-sensitive. If you need to replace multiple words, such as ‘Office Core’, they are not replaced when they are joined by, for example, a hyphen (Office-Core).

Clone results to

Clone all the items in the search results to a specific location in the content tree. When you click Clone results to, the Clone Item dialog box opens. Here you specify the location for the new clones. You can either browse to the location through the content tree on the Browse tab or click the Search tab to search for the location.

Delete results

Permanently delete all the items that appear in the search result. When you click Delete results, all the search result items are instantly deleted from Sitecore and a message appears telling you that the items have been deleted.


You are not presented with a warning or asked to confirm your choice before the items are deleted. Once you click Delete Results, all the search results are completely deleted from Sitecore and you are not able to restore them from the Recycle Bin.

Publish items

Publish the items in the search result at the same time. When the publishing job is finished, a message appears telling you that the items have been published.

Apply campaign events

Apply campaigns, events, or failure actions to the items in the search result. When you click Apply Campaign Events the Attributes window opens where you can specify the campaigns, events, failure actions, and settings for all the items in the search result.

Copy to datasource query

Create a text string that you can then paste into a “data source” field, so that the data source returns the items that match this search result. This operation is only relevant for developers and administrators.

Apply security rule

This operation should only be performed by security administrators. It allows them to change the security settings for the content items listed in the search results. When you click Apply security rule the Security Settings windows opens where you can assign access rights to all the items in the search result for either a specific user or a specific role.

Copy results to

Copy all the items in the search result to another folder. When you click Copy results to, the Copy Item To dialog box opens where you can browse to or search for the folder that you want to copy the items to.

Move results to

Move all the items in the search result to another folder. When you click Move results to, the Move Item To dialog box opens where you can browse to or search for the folder that you want to move the items to.

Serialize items

Serialize all the items in the search results to files in the standard serialized files folder. When serializing an item, it is converted into a format that can be written into a file and imported again later into this or another Sitecore installation. When the operation is finished, a message appears telling you that the items have been serialized.

Apply profile score

Assign a profile card or a custom profile score to the items listed in the search result. When you click Apply profile score the Profile cards window opens where you can select a profile card or set a customized profile score for the items in the search result.