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  The Page Output
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/upload/sdn5/developer/developer center/page_output.jpg

This section contains the rendered output of a specific page with the Info Markers in the upper-left corner of each rendering on page. Info Markers are triggered by the Enable/Disable Rendering Info button.

Hover a mouse pointer over the Info Marker and you will see a window with the rendering info.

1.  The Rendering Info Window

Rendering Info Window consists of the rendering title which represents the rendering’s ID and the following tabs: Details, Profile, Cache Settings, Output and Source (for XSLT renderings only). 

/upload/sdn5/developer/developer center/rendering_info.png

This window is triggered by hovering the mouse pointer over the rendering info marker.

Below is the description of the Rendering Info tabs.


/upload/sdn5/developer/developer center/rendering_info2.png

The details tab shows general information about the rendering such as XSLT file location, Control ID, DataSource, etc. This information varies depending on the rendering selected. For instance, the Source tab is not shown for the WebControl renderings, and ‘XSLT file’ property is not shown for the sublayouts.


This tab contains the profile for the current rendering. Please see the Sitecore Profile section for more details. 

/upload/sdn5/developer/developer center/rendering_info3.png

Cache Settings

This tab contains the cache settings of a rendering. Please see the Caching Renderings article for details.  

/upload/sdn5/developer/developer center/rendering_info4.png


This tab contains the HTML output of the rendering. 

/upload/sdn5/developer/developer center/rendering_info5.png


The XSLT source of the rendering.

/upload/sdn5/developer/developer center/rendering_info6.png

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