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Valid for Sitecore 5.2, 5.1.1
  Add the GetItemDefinition Method
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The Hello World provider always returns the same hard-coded item, regardless of what itemID is requested. Create the method using the source code shown below.

1.  GetItemDefinition

1 public override ItemDefinition GetItemDefinition(ID itemID, CallContext context)
2 {
3   Assert.ArgumentNotNull(itemId, "itemId");
4   Assert.ArgumentNotNull(context, "context");
5   if ((!ID.IsNullOrEmpty(itemId) && (itemId != this.TitleId)) && (itemId != this.TemplateId))
6   {
7     return new ItemDefinition(itemId, this.ItemName, this.TemplateId, this.MasterId);
8   }
9   return null;
10 }

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