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Valid for Sitecore 5.2, 5.3
How to request an empty field programmatically?

Q: I have a Sitecore item with an html field ”text”. The field has 2 languages, Danish and English. In English, there is some html text. In Danish, there is no text. How can I get those empty fields returned when iterating all fields programmatically? The following code does not solve the problem:


public void IterateAllFields(Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item)


  foreach (Sitecore.Data.Fields.Field field in item.Fields)


    if (fld.CanRead && fld.CanWrite)


      ... output field title: fld.Title

      ... output more fields





Text fields are not included when executing this code in Danish context…


A: In current build of Sitecore such a behavior is implemented for the sake of performance.


But there is a nice workaround: there is a method ReadAll() in the Fields collection, which makes the empty fields writable from API. See the sample code below:



      for (int i = 0; i < item.Fields.Count; i++)


         Response.Write(item.Fields[i].Title+": ");


